Chapter 2: The Cold Witch...

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“Are you out of your mind?!” Carol hissed into my ear while grabbing my elbow forcefully, halting me in my steps. I turned to see her eyes blazing down at me with an evident scowl on her face. “Do you have any idea who those two were?”

“Don’t know, don’t care, Carol. Now, let go of me.” I spelled the words out slowly for her, my voice taking a lower tone. She glared at me for a couple more seconds before doing as I asked. My glass was now empty, so I replaced it with another as a waiter walked by. If I was going to tolerate my sister and mum a bit longer, I would need more than a drink to help me through.

Carol sighed beside me as we resumed walking, “Tanya is from the Lexington family.” I stared at her, clueless about the name. “You know, where the High Priestess was chosen from, and no one talks to Tanya that way. She’s very unwelcoming to jokes about her height.” She whispered the last information.

High Priests or Priestesses were leaders of each witch coven, usually chosen by witch elders. I didn’t study much about witches since I wasn’t one of them, but I sometimes stumbled upon books about them as a child living with my mum.

“Wow, and I care about this because….”

She groaned once more, face-palming her forehead. “Your big mouth will land us in trouble one day, Jocelyn. Just don’t ruin this night for mum.” She warned, but I only stuck my tongue out at her. Childish, I know. 

However, my tongue froze mid-air when I caught something, or rather, someone from the corner of my eyes. A few feet from us, I could see the reason why I was here, looking regal in her long violet dress that almost was sweeping the floor, her blond hair styled and cut short like it always was, not one strand out of place, eyebrows up in perfect arches and lips painted a rich rosewood. As always, a pearl necklace adorned her neck, which she presently stroked while listening intently to another woman beside her.

A lump formed in my throat instantly, causing me to gulp down my remaining drink, hoping it would give me the confidence I so lack right now. On second thought, maybe I should just go home and give her a call, explaining I had been here but left early. Caroline could even be my witness.

I was about to bolt when my dearest sister caught hold of my arm and began dragging my ass along with her. “Where do you think you’re going so soon?” She grinned from ear to ear like the devil she was.

“I was only going to get a drink.” I scoffed, only I don’t think she believed me as she only rolled her eyes and continued to drag me towards my doom. She always was freakishly strong, even with her skinny figure.

As we got closer, I soon realized my grandma was there also with the duo, and soon, the three of them burst into laughter at something grandma said. She was the first to notice me, and I watched her eyes light up while I smiled brightly back at her.

“Jocelyn, dear! You’re here finally.” She stretched out her arms towards me in a hug, and I had to crouch a little as she was shorter. I’m instantly engulfed by her flowery perfume scent and homely feel.

“Grams.” I pucked her cheek before stepping back.

“It’s been so long since you last visited. Feels like ages since I last saw you. Have you suddenly forgotten all about your old granny here?” She joked, holding both sides of my face with her arms so she could inspect me before letting me go.

“Sorry, grams.” I gave her my best apology smile. “School is a nightmare that barely gives me enough time for me.” It was the best lie I could come up with at that moment, but I knew Grams could never be mad at me. She loves me too much to be.

“That is no excuse, young lady.” She scolded but still had that big smile on her face.

“I see someone’s finally here after the party almost two hours ago.” The icy Queen finally spoke, and I couldn’t stop my heart from jumping a bit in my chest. “And your…outfit. What is this? A funeral?” Not a minute in her presence, and I’m already being berated into next week. She hasn’t seen me in six months, and this is how she welcomes me?! I took a deep breath before finally turning to her and giving her my attention.

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