Chapter 3: Unhinged...

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"Cody!" I spun to hug the male behind me, purposely holding on a little longer, knowing Caroline was intently watching but also because I missed him. I stepped back and got the opportunity to inspect him in his grey tailored suit that fitted him perfectly. He was as handsome as always with those electric blue eyes that many find irresistible, a smile that could make any lady swoon, and smooth olive skin.

Cody Harrison was more like the brother I never had. I always wished I had a little brother who I could train to be a little rascal and distort Caroline's life with me. That would have been nice. I've tried sisters, and that didn't work out fine.

I received a playful pat on my hair from Cody and a goofy grin before he headed over to give my Grams a peck on the cheek, then my mum a hug, and Carol a kiss. Cody was a breath of fresh air from the tense atmosphere between my mum and me. With just a flash of those perfectly aligned teeth, he had everyone's attention and love. Sad he decided to get engaged to someone like my sister.

"Now, what's all this talk about you leaving so soon? You just got here!"

"It's just getting a bit hot in here for me." I lied, fanning myself with my hand dramatically, earning an eye roll from my mum.

"Then let's get you some fresh air then." He let go of Caroline's waist to take hold of my hand and dragged me along with him suddenly. I couldn't object and went along, looking back to see the displeased scowl on Caroline's face. She always hated it when I touched her stuff.

"There's no moon tonight," Cody noted as we stepped out onto the small balcony. It was empty with no guests and much quieter than back there, with the cool night's breeze ruffling through our hair and causing goosebumps to fill my bare arms.

"Yeah." I rubbed my arms to give myself a bit of warmth, which he immediately noticed, and being the gentleman he is, he took off his jacket to place it over my shoulder. "Thanks."

"Look at you looking all grownup and pretty in that dress." He ruffled my hair playfully with his fingers, causing me to laugh.

"I don't think Stephanie feels the same way." We simultaneously turned forward to stare at the large swimming pool in my mum's backyard in silence, enjoying each other's company for a while.

Cody was the guy anyone could get along with quickly with no problem, even though he grew up spoiled by his parents' riches. He just had a way of making you fall in love with him instantly. Sometimes, I wondered how he fell for someone as sly as Carol.

"How's College treating ya?" He started the conversation, breaking the silence.

"The worse." I sighed, remembering all the assignments and projects that awaited my attention.

"And how's juggling work with all of it?"

I worked part-time at this restaurant near campus, which was stupid considering how loaded my parents were, but it helped me feel a little more independent. There was just something about making your own money, no matter how little it was. Plus, I knew my mum wasn't really a fan of the idea of seeing one of her daughters in an apron, waiting tables at some small restaurant, so it was kind of satisfying to know how restless she must feel.

"So, what about you? How are you?" He turned silent then, making me stare at him to see him looking ahead with a distant look in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

His neck twisted to the side so he could gaze down at me with his blue eyes now void of laughter. "I don't know if your mum has told you about this, but a few nights ago, one of our own was murdered," He paused, then added in a lower tone, "by a vampire." He suddenly revealed, and I blinked back in shock.

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