Tranquility: Part 3

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Their lips touching was like stepping back into the Atlantic Ocean.

She felt a wave through her bloodstream and a change in the wiring of her brain. Behind the darkness of her closed eyelids, she saw eternity and its timeline, laid out for both her and Peter to acquire and hold in their fists. The bond was sealed, and the hole in her heart finally felt filled. A rush of colors was what spiraled throughout her mind. It was odd to feel colors, but somehow the beams of light were all that occupied the space. When she opened her eyes, Peter's were still closed. Gently, she placed one hand on the side of his face, and the other on the back of his head, letting her fingers slide through his hair. She knew what she intended to do. Guiding him forward, he opened his eyes and kept them on her, letting his arms fall around her neck as he came into contact with the water.

He could breathe in the water as long as they were touching. As soon as he let go, he would lose that ability, but now all she had to do was think it, and he knew. Their lips reconnected, and then they were dancing.

It felt like it was what they were born to do. The seiren were not meant to live their lives killing, especially killing those that they loved above all else. Maybe if they had allied with the humans way back before they had formed society, the seiren would have been able to live peacefully with them rather than become predatory in nature.

She surfaced, smiling softly as Peter shook his hair out of his face and looked at her, adoration in his eyes. They had the same element as a young dog, holding onto her every move with cautious excitement.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" he asked breathlessly. She took a moment to recall what that word meant, then the memories of romantic comedy movies flooded in, reminding her that it was what humans called their romantic partners. She kissed him again.


"Yeah," he laughed, "that."

"It took you two long enough."

Mr. Stark - or Uncle Tony - had a habit of making an entrance. Their heads whipped towards him like a set of deer in a car's headlights, they could feel each other's heart rates pick up. She stifled a smile at the feeling of Peter looking through her mind. It was a new skill of his that he would have to adapt to. They sat there, clutching each other, hair matted from the water, staring up at Tony without any certainty of what they could say that was appropriate.

Peter's presence in her mind and soul made her feel like she was finally complete.

"Now the door really needs to stay open when Peter spends the night," Tony smirked and left. If Lena knew anything about him, she knew that he felt proud of himself for that one.

They hoisted themselves out of the water, Lena waiting on the edge for her tail to dry into legs. She requested PET to activate the fan that Tony had installed into the ceiling, the cool air sinking into her scalp and adding goosebumps to the surface of her pale skin. Peter helped her up, and she tiptoed and shivered over to her dresser to get some clothes.

Peter needed some clothes as well. After throwing on a set of white, silk pajamas, another material that did not irritate her skin, she grabbed an extra large t-shirt that she would usually sleep in and a pair of old sweatpants she had once stolen from Peter's apartment after a night on patrol. She tossed them to him and let him change.

When she turned around, he had only just pulled the sweats over his waist, the upper half of his body exposed. She found her eyes lingering on the distinct muscles that protruded in his stomach, chest, and arms, her lips parting in a way that was hardly discreet. She heard him chuckle before pulling the oversized shirt on.

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