Tranquility: Part 4

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Peter knew as soon as it happened that something was wrong. He felt a tightness in his throat, and her presence in his mind went black. After hurling another piece of wood and throwing a fistful of ash into his opponent's eyes, he turned and found Lena's limp body in the arms of a new stranger. He was masked and in a top hat, a cheap attempt at masking his identity.

Hey, not everyone had the same resources that Tony stark had.

He felt his heart lurch, fiery anger only slightly skewed from the ruffian in front of him filled his brain, the idea of anyone harming her too much to hold onto. Putting his panic into action, he shot a web at her, yanking her away from the odd man's clutches and letting her body fall over his shoulder. It caught the man's attention, that was for sure.

He set her down, cradling her head so as not to injure her further, and faced his two opponents, now completely on his own. It was a feat to try and keep his composure. He hadn't felt this challenged since fighting Mr. Toomes on the beach.

With a THWIP, he shot a web out of his left shooter, aimed directly on the face of the brute. He pulled the web and the man's face down and hard in an attempt to knock him out, but it only made him angrier. He temporarily disabled him, webbing his hands immovable and securing them to the ground.

The other man was a lot taller and a lot more slippery. He ran around the space like snake, appearing from behind boxes and rubble in an attempt to shoot Peter with a weapon he hadn't seen before. Thanks to his senses, the hair on his arm raising at every beam of light zooming past his ears and shoulders. He needed to get ahold of the weapon if this man was going to be caught. Every other second, his attention moved from Peter to Lena, who Peter now knew that getting him away from her was going to be his goal.

He never got the chance to develop a plan, though, because the sound of jets somehow filled the remainder of hearing he had left. He didn't need to turn around to figure out who it was.

"So you think you can attack my siren like that, huh?" Mr. Stark's voice materialized behind him. Peter felt a mix of relief and disappointment that their asses were being saved by Iron Man. He had wanted to pull through and defeat the bad guy on his own, but now that his partner was rendered disabled it was a little more difficult. He hadn't realized that he had grown accustomed to her being by his side.

There were a few blasts from Mr. Stark's suit, but it quickly scared them off. The opponents hadn't been expecting Iron Man to swoop in, and they quickly escaped by jumping off the building and into a jet that had been conveniently camouflaged. As it flew away into the horizon, Peter felt Mr. Stark's frustration radiating off of his body. They had slipped from right in between their fingers.

On the flight back to the Avenger's compound, they were all silent. Lena only because she was still unconscious, and Tony because of the budding anxiety that accompanied their recent encounter. Peter tried to search for Lena's mental wavelength, wishing that the awkward silence could end, but he hit a wall whenever he got close. She wasn't even dreaming. The silence was staticky and strange, like he had stepped into a soundproof room.

They were brought straight to the medical center, where Lena was set on a table and Peter was ordered to be examined. His heart was racing, and he knew he was still running on adrenaline, but he didn't want to leave her side. He could feel himself healing at the quick rate it usually did, so having someone examine him felt pointless. As his airways and lungs were checked, all of his focus was centered on Lena lying on the table.

He was cleared, letting him bounce off the table and towards her. He held his mask in his hands, the suit still clinging to his body, and peered over as she was given an oxygen mask.

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