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All the Rescue Riders where in the middle of the town at night sitting around the fire. A bunch of villagers where with them too. Most of the dragons where sleeping on the rooftops and on the ground. The village had expanded a lot in the past month. Almost everyone had there own dragon. Even the dragons took a liking to the small villagers and some dragons let the villagers ride on there backs to travel. Most of them didn't wear saddles just because the dragons didn't like them but that didn't stop the villagers. They just didn't fly to high above the ground in case they the villagers fall.

Cutter P.O.V—

I was just staring at her. Who? You may ask. Well... aggro. I know about my feelings for her, I mean how could you not love her! She's amazing, she's so different from every girl I met. She so stubborn and hot headed. Feisty and demanding. She always gets her way without leaving anyone to think twice. She's sarcastic and mean (at times). She's just so cute sometimes I just want to bop her nose but have to resist that urge. Just like I have to block out my feelings for her. What if she doesn't like me back and even if she did, it could be really complicated for the team and I don't like complicated. Plus we're a whole different species anyways how would it work out? But we're so alike sometimes and it's just like we're meant to be but then I get drawn back to reality and I know where not meant to be. Sometimes when I look into her eyes it's hard not to think she doesn't like me back.

   Sometimes I play this game in my head...what would I give up just for us to be happy together for just 5 minutes. My friends, being a Rescue Rider, my wings, my home, the village, my whole life. Only for 5 minutes.

            She was right across the fire from me with summer, their talking about something and giggling not paying any attention to me though I don't want them to. I don't mind looking at her from a distance. I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the chatting of the villagers and the crackling of the fire. Her and the fire are so similar yet so different.

    She smiles and I could practically feel my heart melt right then and there. She so beautiful, I think to myself.

I suddenly hear "Alpa we found a dragon injured in the woods." I turn my head towards winger who is right beside me. Everyone else heads are turned towards winger as well. All the dragons go silent, Eavesdropping. Though the villagers didn't hear what the dragons said so they continued to talk to each. (Not like they can ever hear us)

"Ok me and The Rescue Riders will go check it out. Void I'm leaving you in charge here, while I'm gone. Make sure the they don't get out of hand. Is that fine?" Winger asked the older roaming ramblefang.

"Of course Alpa." Void responded. Even though Winger was Alpa and could boss people around he still asked even though he didn't have to. It's what makes him a good leader, he cares about the opinion of others.

Dak jumped on winger in his saddle and Layla did the same with summer. We all flew of to where the scouts told us the dragon was. I start using my super sight to look for the dragon.

"How are we going to know where that dragon is? I mean she's not the only dragon on the island." Burple comments.

"Don't worry I'll find that dragon with my super sharp eyesight." I say with a smirk and look over at Aggro hoping that impressed her. But she simply rolled her eyes, of course she not impressed... I try to focus back at the ground to find the dragon I suddenly see a flash of white.

"Down there!" I say and dive down into the forest with the others following. Once we all land one the ground I don't see anyone.

"Where?" Aggro asks.

"I don't know I think around here someplace." I respond.

"Well so much for your super sight leading us to the exact place." Aggro says sarcastically. I don't really know what to say to that so I just keep quiet and look around for the dragon.

Wingers P.O.V—

I looked around and start to wander off without thinking. I walk into a clearing in the forest and see something amazing.

Woah... cliffhanger! Ok so I hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment!

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن