Candle light

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Sorry I haven't updated. I've been working on other stories. Literally the last time I updated this was November. And it's now December.... opps? Anyway this isn't even a real chapter but it's.... something?

Italic- Winger speaking in his mind kinda like the first episode.

Bold- me talking

Normal text- what is happening.

3rd person's P.O.V-

Falling in love is like holding a candle.

Winger walked out of the sleep cave with a sad expression on his face. He looked over to the fire pit where the other Rescue Riders were, they were all silently eating. He knew exactly what they were thinking about.

Initially it lightens up the world around you.

Winger walked over and stared into the fire. He didn't bother to eat, he wasn't hungry. Well not anymore. It was like there was the pit in the bottom of his stomach making him not hungry but making him feel.. guilty.

Then it starts melting and hurts you.

He could still feel the sting in his heart, the longing for her to be here.

Finally it goes off and everything is darker than ever and

He wanted to cry, to break down, to kick and scream with how bad it hurts. He took a deep breath. Winger knew it isn't good to bottle up your emotions so he let himself feel all of it. The sting, The pieces of his heart that shattered dug into the rest of his heart like when you step on sharp pieces of glass. The worst part is the..

All you are left with is the burn.



Sorry this is so short I just wanted to make a chapter like this.

Here's where I got the chapter idea from:

"Falling in love is like holding a candle,
Initially it lightens up the world around you.
Then it starts melting and hurts you.
Finally it goes off and everything is darker than ever and all you are left with is the... BURN."
-Syed Arshad.

That's the quot I used. Anyway Vote and Comment!!! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang