Leaving Twice

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3rd person's P.O.V-

Leyla came out of the Roost doors and started walking over to the others that were just scattered around the yard, talking amongst themselves. Though Winger was by himself, on top on the wall thing that surronded that outside (kinda of). He was sitting on top of it while looking out to the ocean, not saying a thing, seeming to be lost in thought. The other Rescue Riders found him doing this often, just staring off into the unknown. Of course it's only been a week since Voilet left, they knew the wound was still fresh. I mean they both admitted that they loved each other. Not like, love. They let him have his space though whenever they talked to him he acted like nothing changed. Like he wasn't hurt or that he wasn't acting different. Like.. like Voilet never came into their lives. Though it wasn't just Winger who was sad she left, they all were. They all got close to her in the time she stayed. It was true, she was very closed off and different then the rest of them but they didn't mind. They liked her for who she was, even after she told them everything. It wasn't her fault that she grew up like that. It's obvious she's not evil, she wanted to get away, to leave that life behind. They all felt bad they didn't realize sooner that inside she was panicing, that she felt like she didn't belong. Felt like she didn't have a place at Huttsgalor. Though no one was to blame. It's true that Voilet was a very good at hiding things and putting on a fake smile. Acting like she's fine when she's really not. They noticed... just not soon enough. They couldn't go after her, not yet at least. Maybe she just needs time to figure some stuff out.

"Ok guys so if my calculations are right- which they should be, your flock will be passing by an island just north of Huttsgalor. If you leave in a few mintues, you should be able to get to them or if your early just wait at the island until they pass over head and join up with them." Leyla said more of aiming what she was saying to Dash.

Dash nodding and said, "I want to thank you again for letting me stay here. Especially with... everything that was going on." He said to the Rescue Riders that have gathered around to say goodbyes to him. Winger also came down from where he was on the wall.

Dak smiled and said, "Of course. It was nice to have you here. I hope you find your flock."

"Of course he will. Leylas calculations are never wrong." Summer said backing up her best friend. Her voice sounded serious, like she was offended though the smile on her face and the joking glint in her eyes said otherwise.

They all chuckled lightly at that.

Since Aggro and Cutter were in the back so Aggro decided this was her shot so she quickly pulled Cutter behind the Roost.

"Ok this is your last chance Cutter for you to start talking me."

Cutter looked away, guilt on his face, not saying anything.

Aggro swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to hold back tears. Then she said, "Because... if you don't talk to me.. I'm leaving. I don't know where but right now I can't even be around you Cutter. You just suddenly stopped talking to me and.. and it really hurts more then you realize. If this is some kind of joke.. please just stop." Her voice was watery and begging.

Cutter swallowed but didn't say a thing. 'It's to late. I can't say anything now. I guess... I guess I missed my chance.' Cutter thought in his head.

"This is it then I guess. G-Goodbye Cutter." Aggro whispered softly.

All Cutter could do was look at Aggro as she turned around and flew off into the sky. Leaving.. for who knows how long.. Right before she turned around Cutter saw a tear slip from her eye.

Cutter's P.O.V-

I felt my heart break as she flew away. This whole time I have been silently pushing her away because I didn't want to get hurt when she went and got together with Dash but I guess I pushed her so hard that she left all of us. (the Rescue Riders) Why can't I just tell her why. Why I've been acting like this. Tell her that I'm just jealous? Tell her that I have feelings for her. That.. I love her. More then anything else.

I slowly walked over to the others and saw that they were saying goodbye to Dash as he was just about to leave.

"Hey, where's Aggro? I wanted to say goodbye." Dash said.

"She left." I said glaring away. I really wasn't in the mood for him to start worring over Aggro, acting like their together. Like she can't take care of herself.

"Wait. She just left?" Burple said looking suprized.

"Yeah." Was all I said.

"Where?" Dak asked.

"She didn't say." I said, technically I wasn't lying. She never said where she was going.

"Why'd she leave?" Summer asked.

I was about to say 'I don't know' but someone starting talking before I could.

"She left because your not talking to her, right?" Dash said with a rasied eyebrow, looking not very impressed.

I glared at him and said, "That's none of your bissness." I was certain that my voice sounded harsh and cruel but I didn't care. It wasn't any of his business. I was just being truthful.

Then I added on, "You should probably go after her." My voice probley sounded more.. hurt this time.

"First, it kinda is my business since I'm kinda part of this love triangle thing." He said with a shrug and then shook his head also like scolding himself. I looked at him in confusion at what he said. "Anyway that's not my ponit. I'm not the one who should go to her. You have to." He said which made my eyes widened.

"Look I'm not gonna lie. I like her a lot but.. I see the way she looks at you. She has never looked at me the way she looks at you." He said, confusing me.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask with an rasied eyebrow.

I hear him sigh and roll his eyes. "Do you seriously not under- Nevermind so what I'm trying to is that she likes you. She probably always have. You need to go after her. It's not to late, you can still talk to her." He said then continued with a more serious look, "Don't let her slip through your claws."

"Why are you doing this for me?" I ask, generally confused. It was pretty obivous that I didn't like him.

"Because I'm not stupid. She likes you. Not me. Now go get her." He said looking serious.

"Right." I said with a smile.

"Now!" He said.

"Right! Right." I said turing around to leave.

I turned my head back to him with a smile, my eyes softing.


"No problem, man." Dash said with a smile.

I flew up into the air hoping to return with Aggro.


You get to see I lot more of Dash's personality in this. Some things to descibe him like his personatliy traits are, blunt, impatient (sometimes), Carefree, and an extrovert. Those are some of the main ones I choose to describe him and it shows a lot here.

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant