⁰² Letters and Dexter

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Published on 18th October, 1:45 pm, IST

⁰² Letters and Dexter

"Strong, smart, beautiful and kind of a badass

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"Strong, smart, beautiful and kind of a badass."


☆    A FEW weeks after Sirius had moved in, both James and he had been woken up by an overly enthusiastic Rin.

    "Come on! Come on! WAKE UP!" She yelled, running down the halls of the Potter household. "We're getting our O. W. L results today! WAKE THE BLOODY HELL UP!"

    Both boys groggily got up, groaning and grumbling at her for disturbing their slumber and gathered in the kitchen to eat breakfast.

    They were met by an overly cheerful Rin, who was bouncing her leg up and down and staring out of the window.

    Euphemia Potter who was in the middle of handing James a plate stacked with pancakes and whipped cream when she was suddenly interrupted by a scream from Rin, making her accidentally flip the plate into the air surprise, making a pancake fall cream-first onto Fleamont's face, then sliding down leaving his whole face covered with cream and falling with a splat.

    There was a pin drop silence.

    Well. . . except for the hooting sound of the owl that brought the children's Hogwarts letters, demanding them to pay it.

    Fleamont then groaned loudly and slouched up to his bathroom to clean himself.

    The others in the kitchen burst out laughing and Rin attempted to slow down her laughter by stuffing pancakes into her mouth.

    Euphemia wiped away her tears of laughter and took the letters from the owl and paid it.

    "How does Dumbledore know that Sirius is with us?" James asked, eyeing the letters in Sirius' hand.

    "He's Dumbledore," Euphemia replied. "And James, don't talk with your mouth full."

    "Mum, are we going to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies tomorrow?" Rin asked, re-reading her shopping list.

    "No, we aren't," Fleamont said, suddenly appearing behind them. "Euphemia and I have to do that raid tomorrow. You know, auror work and all that. We could go today if you'd like."

    "Ooh yes!" Rin said, scarfing down the rest of her breakfast and quickly standing up. "May I be excused?" Then not waiting for an answer, "Kthxbye!" She kissed her dad's cheek and ran into her room to get dressed.

𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤-𝐮𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now