35| Baby

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"This is divine vine, then nude nuance and this is crimson silk." I hand over my lipstick shades to Liya, who tries everything on her hands.

"I'll take crimson silk. Thank you."

Today's Rehan's second cousin's engagement and everyone is going except me. I'm living soulless these days, I should be happy but for some reason I'm not able to find the happiness.

"You're not ready yet?"

We turn to find Mom standing near the door frowning at us. She walks to us wearing a green saree with a diamond necklace. She has the perfect dress sense, and looks like doesn't ever her age. Rehan can be her younger brother.

"I expected this from Liya but why are you not ready yet?" She asks me and I pass a smile.

"I'm not coming Mom, I'm sorry. Just not feeling well." I say rubbing my hands together.

"Why? What happened?" She quickly places her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"Nothing. I don't know, maybe fever is coming. I'm feeling all hot from inside."

"Maybe, yeah. I'll give you some tablets. But what happened to your eyes? Did you cry? Is something wrong?" Mom looks at me worriedly and the sudden urge to cry comes rushing to me and I hold back.

I shake my head and she looks at Liya.

"Go to your room and get ready and also check on Rhea."

After Liya leaves Mom made me sit on the bed before sitting near me. She holds my hand and I look down at them.

"I'm your mother. You can tell me anything. What happened?"

I feel the tears running out and I shake my head wiping the tears. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what to tell her.

"Are you missing Rehan? Do you want to see your mother? Aadhya, you have to talk to me. Please don't cry." She says and pulls me to a hug.

Everything comes rushing down and I start crying. I hug her back and let my tears out.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper.

"Are you sure?" I saw a tint of water in her eyes as she cupped my face. She's happy, but why not me?

Why am I always getting tensed thinking I'm having a living being inside me?

"I had my periods two months ago, and last month I saw a spot, and nothing this month"

I looked at Mom, she was trying not to breakdown in happiness.

"Okay. Did you go to a hospital or had the test at home?"

"Home. Two weeks ago" I looked at my hands, expecting her scolding.

"Aadhya" She held my hands. "What's it"

"I'm scared"


"I don't know Mom. I can't think anything straight after seeing those two lines. I don't know, I don't kno---"

I cried as she hugged me rubbing my back.

"6-7 months ago, I never had a marriage plan in my life. And then I got married and I'm happy but being a mother, this is scaring me. I'm afraid. I may be physically ready but mentally the thought scares me. No child would want me as their mother, I'm terrible. I'm terrible"

I don't know how many minutes passed but I let my fears out as talked to her. She listened to me, to everything.

"Do you not want the baby?"

AADHYA REHAN✓Where stories live. Discover now