Chapter 1

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A/N: The first two chapters focuses on introducing the main characters.

Dylan POV

As I embark on my journey across the world, all I can think of is whether I'll ever come back home. This isn't my first mission necessarily, but I've always been behind the action.

After nearly a decade, I've come back to the battle grounds, and will hopefully help put an end to this war.

As the Sergeant of this squad, my task is to look out to protect the inncocent citizens, fight alongside my fellow soldiers, and try to end this war by capturing or even killing the enemies.

At first, it was a simple as any other democracy country, but soon dictatorship arose. The large powerful countries ignored the plea for help from the helpless citizens trapped in war, and now nearly a decade later they wish to send an army to end the dictator.

At least, I have my buddy Max with me. As a solider dog and a mans best friend, he dragged my limp body to safety when I was attacked in my first war.

The war was scarring, and Max was the only companionship I had during those tough times.

I had second and third degree burns on my leg, a bullet mark on my abdomen, and several scars scattered on my body, all from a single from the bomb blast from a single war.

Growing up in several foster homes, I couldn't protect myself from the several "foster parents", in which most just used us to gain money from the government.

Being exposed to drugs, mistreatment, and abuse at such a young age, made me who I am today. In a way I was in my own battle growing up as an orphan, so I decided I wanted to help others with their own wars.

There was no other way than to take my words literally and join the military. I'm cut out for the tough world and looking after myself.

I don't remember my parents or any biological family for that matter. All I do remember is waking up in a hospital bed when I was ten years old with a bandage wrapped around my head. I heard the doctors blabbering some foreign language amongst themselves and then talking to me.

They presumed that I suffered memory loss, after they found me laying unconscious and nearly lifeless on the shore.

It was hard having to start from the beginning at ten years old and realizing that most of your childhood memories have disappeared. Worst of all, living with the doubt of maybe having family members alive out there somewhere searching for me was even more agonizing.

From then on I decided that it was either work at the local mechanical shop and supermarket or join the military. The choice wasn't that difficult. If anything were to happen to my during the war, it wasn't like there was going to be anyone that will care for my wellbeing. With that I joined the military and going to this battle.

I doubt I'll ever be able to do my dream job, but at the moment all I cared for is to save other people and allow them to live a better life than mine.

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