Chapter 42

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Leah POV

"Jamie! Stop spoiling your niece so much."

Sticking her tongue out she ran away as I tried to feed her broccoli. Hiding behind her beloved uncle's leg, I gave up feeding her dinner.

"I give up. If you can buy her all the candy and toys in the world, I'm sure you can feed her broccoli too."

"Leah, I'm the funcle. Plus, I have a date in an hour. I meant a study date."

I shake my head at his poor attempt of covering his lies, as he grabs his keys and leaves the house with a kiss on Miracle's and my head. He's been doing that ever since he grew taller than me. It started with a couple inches and now he's nearly a foot taller than me.

It's been three years since everything happened, from my husband's disappearance and the birth of my daughter.

It was hard at first, starting fresh in a new country, with a premature daughter, and losing the love of your life. Along with that, I needed to go through some serious physical therapy with some of the injuries I sustained along with years of trauma.

After months of non stop therapy sessions, I was finally able to be an amazing mother to Miracle and sister to Jamie. I can't say I've loved on from Dylan or I ever will, but slowly I'm able to accept the fact that he's gone and looking after us.

On the day of our first anniversary after a few therapy sessions, John gave me the painting I intended on gifting Dylan when we were to sort. I sobbed at the sight of it and turned it around to feel a piece of paper.

Opening what I assumed was a letter of some kind, I  broke down as I read the last, living words of my husband. I read his apologies and his hope of my forgiveness for not reducing me earlier, him hoping that I live a good life and move on, for our child that may have or not existed.

I spent the whole day crying, looking at the painting and rereading the letter, feeling him saying those words to me in person. I hated our fate, that our relationship was over before it had even begun.

I used his words as a token of strength and at that moment I knew he would want me to be the best mother and sister I can be to Miracle and Jamie.

John's and Ken's family have been my own from when I met them. They took Jamie, Miracle, and I in as family. It's a foreign concept, having that parental and sibling love, but I'm lucky to experience it again.

As of now, Jamie is a highschool Junior and a heartbreaker. With his brother's look, I'm sure it was inevitable, as each day he grows to look so much like Dylan.

Miracle on the contrary, shares my exact same looks, except for Dylan's mystic green eyes a. Every time I look at them, all I can think of is my husband.

Without an educational or job background and having to support two kids, I couldn't really be picky of a job. I work at a bakery full time and a gas station during some nights.

I love my job at the bakery, with my friendly boss and co workers. I found a sense of relaxation making these sugary pastries, knowing it made someone's day.

On the contrary, I despise my job at the gas station with the sleazy men that stop by in the middle of the night. At the end of the day, I knew it had to be done to put food on the table and have a roof above our heads.

Jamie has tried to get some jobs, but with his disability, although it doesn't prevent him from anything, people still hesitate to hire him. I decided on telling him to focus on his studies instead to get a scholarship to college.

As the baby of the family, Miracle is completely spoiled by all her uncles; Jamie, Kennedy, and John. Patricia and I have given up trying to stop the men from spoiling her five years old son, Keith along with my daughter, but our efforts are futile.


I snap out of my thoughts at my little girl's call, as I give her a questioning look.

"Can I go play with my dolls now?"

"After you eat your vegetables."

"But they taste yucky. Please?"

She gave me her famous puppy dog eyes and just like everyone else, I fell for her charms. I guess those green eyes convince me with anything. First it was with my husband, and now it's with my daughter.

"Fine, but I guess I'll have to cancel the play date with Keith."

I slyly respond, as she immediately starts eating the broccoli. Since Miracle was born, Keith was always protective of her and as she grew older, she was always stretched to Keith by the hip.

Patricia and I can hear their wedding bells from a good twenty years in the future. I'm sure if Dylan was alive now, he would put Keith in his spot.

"Mommy, look I finished. Let's go now."

Grabbing my arm, she drags me towards the door. I laugh as my toddler daughter puts all her might into getting us to leave the house.

"Baby, we have to first get ready. Why don't you put in your favourite princess dress and I'll call Aunt Pat?"

She squealed and ran towards her room before searching for her pink princess dress. It was a gift from her uncle John for her third birthday party, and she's worn it at least thirty times since then.

Grabbing the phone, I call Patricia to let her know of our sudden arrival, as she decides that we can have a barbecue dinner after. Dressing for the warm weather, I grab our things and we leave the house.

Driving more towards the countryside and leaving the suburban area of our apartment, we arrive at Ken and Pat's farmhouse. It's a cute country style, with a few farm animals and crops.

Hearing our car's loud engine, I see Keith's tiny figure run towards our car, waiting for his friend. I take out an eager Miracle out of her car seat as she and Keith embrace in a hug before deciding to play with their dog, Frostie.

I look at him and sometimes think of Max. From what I've heard, during his routine check up after coming back to America from the war, the vets diagnosed him with cancer. Unable to treat him, they decided to put him out of his misery.

As much as we would love to have a dog, we can't financially take care of one. With my two jobs and Jamie going to college soon, it would be even more difficult.

Drinking a bottle of beer, I looked at the two kids playing, before I heard a cry. With a starle I look to see that Miracle has fallen down and Keith is trying to soothe her pain and hug her.

Approaching them, I look to see a scrape on my daughters elbow, before deciding to do some imaginary healing and a magical kiss. Her cries soon ceased down, and she began playing with Keith again.

Being born premature, she experiences extreme clumsiness. Even for a moment, I'm afraid to let her leave my sight, in case her injuries may be fatal from a fall.

As the sun began to set and the playdate came to an end, I carried my sleeping daughter back to our car and home. Making sure of Jamie's arrival, I soon began to fall asleep, having to wake up early for my job again.

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