Chapter 17: Stares and whispers

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Chapter seventeen: Stares and whispers (Ellie's POV)

I plugged my phone on charge and turned the lamp off. Nathan left a while ago, dropping in to say bye, Brett came home, I had dinner with him and Zach and now I was trying to sleep while he and Brett had a conversation about something, I wouldn't know. I huffed, tossing and turning but one thing I just couldn't get off my mind. 

How the hell did he crack my password? 

He's not supposed to remember that, especially the exact date. Why would he remember that? Why would he think of it? Why would he even guess that? 

I'm sure you're all wondering what is, why don't I just tell you. It's the date that he kissed me. Which first of all, I don't even know why that's my password, second of all, why does he even remember that? I know I remember it because it was my first kiss. 

I changed it after he left, to Vodka's birthday but Nathan cracked that, so I changed it back because at the time, I still liked him and I missed him deeply, I never bothered changing it after that and I was never put in a situation where somebody was trying to get into my phone. Until now. 

And suddenly, I find myself wishing I did change it. 

I groaned into my pillow. 

God, he's going to think I'm such a creep, he's gonna think I'm in love with him or something. 

Oh, no! 

Is he gonna use this against me as part of that stupid bet? 

Speaking of that bet, I don't think we're gonna go through with it. He would have done something by now if he was planning on it. If he's not gonna do anything then I wanna go back home, because living with him is difficult, living with a guy is difficult in general, I almost fell into the toilet earlier because he left the seat up. I used to think girls exaggerated when they said that but no, it's true, you really do fall in, not ideal. 

I heard footsteps nearing the door so I sealed my eyes shut and just acted like I was asleep, hoping to doze off in the process. I heard shuffling, the bathroom door closed and a little while later he came back out and got into bed. 

"Ellie," he whispered. 

Just continue pretending. 

He then poked my cheek softly and slowly before retreating his hand and lying back down on his side of the bed. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed. 

"Your poke test. I thought you'd be asleep by now," he replied. 

"No, I'm still awake, why?" I asked. 

"No reason, I just have something to ask you." 

I turned to face him and found him lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling with an amused smirk dancing on his lips. "What?" I questioned. 

"Why is your password our first kiss?" he teased. 

"Why were you able to guess that?" I shot back. 

"I asked first," he shrugged, "I get the answer first." 

I huffed, "Because that's the one date that nobody knows and could guess if they tried. They all kept getting into my phone when I started talking to James, they-" I stopped when I realized who I was talking about. 

"They what?" he asked. 

"They always wanted to read our texts and um- they would always crack the password. So I just changed it to the one date that nobody knows." 

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