Chapter 26: Everybody Talks

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Stones may rot but words will never be as people will always talk.

I put a hand to my beating heart while Eliz continues to laugh at me for being too sure with the boys. I ignore her laughter and made my way to the front door of the house. I know Aaron forbids me not to go anywhere without his approval but he is not my Alpha and, I want to take a walk. 

I almost made it to the door when I collided with an elderly woman. She struggled to balance herself making her fall down. I quickly apologize and help her up. "I am sorry madam." 

"It's alright dear," she said as tried to reach for the basket on the floor that is filled with a white cloth. "Let me," I said and reached out for it instead. 

"Wow, it's kind of heavy" I mutter and lift it with my hands. The old madam stretches her back before she politely asks me to hand it over.

"I can help carry it for you" I suggested because not only did I feel bad for her but she reminded me of my late grandparents. I wasn't joking when I said the basket is heavy.

"Who are you?" she curiously asks me.

"Just an unwanted visitor of Alpha Aaron." I gleam at her hoping she would agree. She thought for a minute before looking back at me and said, "okay but are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure mam," I answer with a smile on my face. She let out a relieved sigh. "Very well dear, you need to take it to the pack hospital."

"Hospital?" I ask, hoping she would get the hint and give me the location which thankfully she did and without another minute to waste I went there straight away.

"Excuse me, Carrie called me... are those?" one of the healers asks and she trails off once she sees me. I am not so sure whether it's the basket or me she's looking at. However, the reaction around me is enough for me to know why she trailed off when I appeared.

The eyes of the pack members in the hospital hallway were set on me. I could hear some of the words whispered around me. They were not very nice to hear. I also detect some female wolves' holding on tight to their mates' arms once they saw that there is no mark on my neck. 

Nodding my head and ignoring them I handed the healer the basket which snap her out of her trance. She blinks her eyes and looks at me than the basket in her hands. "Oh dear, I am sorry for that but would you kindly tend to one of our warriors?" she asks me.

I thought of declining her request because I didn't like the way her pack members were judging me with their eyes. "Umm, I am sorry but I don't know how-" 

Too late as she grabs me by the hand and leads me into a ward with wounded male warriors. She shows me the basic steps before she disappears outside of the ward. I stood there, contemplating what to do. One part of me is telling me to go and the other is saying that my parents won't be happy if they know that I am turning into a cold-hearted bitch. In the end, my good side wins. I decided to stay and help her out. I tended one of the werewolf warriors' wounds, patching up his arm.

Afterward, he then moves to help another one. The healer came back and she smiles when she sees that I am nursing the warriors. "Thank you," she said, helping me batch up the last patient's wounds.

A heel sound clicked on the tile and a voice from behind me made us stop what we were doing. "Umm I'm sorry, you are?" I turn to a blonde female in her classy summer dress and her expensive perfume scent filling the air.

"Apologies Armenia she's the guest at the Alpha's place," the healer explains and I am not surprised that she knows me. After all, I am the only stranger roaming around their pack grounds.

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