Chapter 28: What A Friend!

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Friends sometimes betray and fail to be there for you. Yet it depends on the type of person you entangled yourself with.

"Oh moon goddess, how lovely to see you here," she said, leaning her back on her seat. She greets everyone until her eyes settle on me. I can tell that she is not the woman I used to be friends with anymore.

"Oh poor thing I didn't know you're here," she said to me with those eyes full of mockery. "The last time we talked was two years ago. Am I right?" she added while tapping her finger on her temple as if she were thinking. "Hmmm, I heard you told everyone we're best friends."

Her words hit homerun and for a second I wanted to leap up and punch her in the face but I decided to sit there waiting for her to finish with whatever childish play she wants to brag about. 

It's a shame that I always considered her my best friend when she reminds me so much of Serena. The innocent, fun, honest, and good Jea that I used to know is now replaced by the witch Jea as her powers prevail. 

Oh yes and thanks to her that I now have caught everyone's attention again and I am growing to enjoy it a lot. Eliz howls in my head and spat, 'don't you mean despise it.'

Damn it! I cuss and thought about why my friends and enemies love putting me on a pedestal? They thought I couldn't take it. Too bad the last time I checked Serena and Claire were bitten in the ass by their snakes and now it's this witch's turn. All I need to do now is to be patient and let her do the entry act.

"Oh dear Elle I'm sorry for making you the famous slut," she said and let out a short fake laugh which snaps me back to reality. Aberdeen scoffed before she stands up to slap Jea but I held down her shoulder. 

"Don't Aber," I told her. Aberdeen refuses to sit down and let Jea degrade me, however, I force her to not do anything because I know I can handle the witch bitch.

As Jea continues to laugh and mock me. However, when she mention my parents in her ranting that was the last string for me. I catch her off guard with my speed and slap her hard on the cheek sending her head to the right before I grab her by the neck. 

I choke her with my hands. She mumbles something in an ancient language. I knew what she was uttering, it was a hell-bound spell. I immediately let her neck go before kicking her knees making her bend and pinning her arms behind her then squeezing them tightly into a lock.

"You forgot you taught me a few of your tricks back then and I learned some info on how to kick your ass witch," I said, holding her tight. I hear a painful scream escape her lips and I smile at that. 

Everyone looks in disbelief but I did not give an effin care about it. "What cannot utter your stupid spell now?" I taunt her. "Let me go," she demanded while struggling. 

"Not until you apologize," I said, squeezing her locked hands underneath me. 

"Never," she spats and mutters another spell. However, I pin her on the ground which muffles her words and she screams in pain. 

"Apologize," I demand, and this time I am serious. 

"I am sorry. Okay, I am fucking sorry," I hear her yell back at me. I know she didn't mean those three words but still, I wanted to bruise her ego like how she embarrassed and hurt me with her words. 

Once I released her she sends me to a wall which I was quick enough to defend myself so that I won't crash my body against the cement. Aaron quickly got in front of me, holding me back. 

"Not now Jea" he sternly warns her and she hisses at us. 

"I did you a favor bitch" she angrily spat at me and start pacing around.

"No, you didn't! Friends don't do that and I really thought you were... not until today," I defensively said.

She laughs menacingly and retorts, "ungrateful bitch! when you asked me to sever the bond-"

"You knew the truth that he wasn't dead that's why you gave me options to not fully severe it," I interrupted her words, cutting her off.

"I only did you a favor," she yells back and I laugh at her dumb face. "Favour my ass! You only did it because you needed that book and I was stupid to notice, that you were using me."

She bluffs. "I was right not to tell the truth."

"Shut it Jea!" I shouted at her. "You should have told me the truth instead of lying to me!"

"You wouldn't take it," she said, moving closer and my hand stops her. "It would have been better than finding out later. You would never know what it feels like to stand there like a fool thinking I have a chance yet he is already mated!"

Scornfully I laugh not even caring about the audience around us. "You knew it! You knew him not being dead and you knew that I didn't sleep with those assholes. Yet after using me you left without even defending your friend but I guess I was never your friend."

I take a deep breath for a moment while holding in my tears and anger. "It's sad that I just realized everything today and I hope karma follows you bitch."

I storm out of the conference hall and went straight to the training area. Running towards the nearest punching bag, I kick and punch the bag non-stop, putting all my hatred and anger into every hit. 

I lay panting on the ground afterward with no more energy to continue. My body was all numb and I'm soaking wet with my sweat.

"Elle" Aberdeen came and sat next to me on the ground handing me a towel.

"Feeling better now?" she asks

"Yeah, I am," I said, while I try to sit upright, stretching my legs out.

"You surprised everyone again today with your lovely show," she said proudly which made me laugh lightly. "Jea says you haven't fully rejected Eric, there's still a bond between the two of you," she added and pressed her lips together.

I didn't want to talk about it but I trust Aber with my secrets and concealed feelings about my mate. I also knew that I cannot say anything when Eliz can listen to our conversation and I don't want her to. I shut off our links, putting up a barrier between our minds and numbing my feelings so that Eliz won't be able to feel anything.

"I don't want to because Eliz still loves Zhipa. They had this kind of connection with each other even when they were not physically together but it's like they are connected with their souls," I started to tell Aber. She didn't say anything as she just sit there and listened to me.

"Eric deserves the acceptance of the rejection but not Eliz. She had always been there for me, even when my parents died then I moved to Aaron's pack she was the one who helped me out a lot. Well, apart from you Josh, and Leto. Breaking the bond completely means breaking her apart. I don't want her to be broken like me," I couldn't finish the last words as I am now crying.

"So I only severed it between us humans but not our wolves," I said between my sobs.

Aberdeen hugs me to her tightly. "You did the right thing," she keeps on repeating and I felt her tears wetting my shirt.

We talk for hours before going back but not to the pack house but to Jenna's place. After borrowing some clothes from Jenna and using their family shower I made my way to the pack house. 

It's kind of awkward especially when some people still stare at me. Ignoring everyone around me I glued myself beside Aberdeen. She squeezes my hand tightly gesturing to me to not pay any attention to them. Aaron came from behind me and he winks at me before he walked and stood beside Josh, Eric, Zeus, and other Alphas.

I blush as Aaron's new attitude surprises me and Aber who witness it lets out a laughs nudging me on the shoulder.

"Shall we get this started?" Jea asks everyone and they all reply with a yes. She then led everyone to the borders.

I roll my eyes at her and told myself that I and the witch will never be friends again. 

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