Chapter 12- California

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So I lied and this is going to be another chapter in Alarik's POV

So I finally have some casting! Picture to the side is Alex Pettyfer who I see as Alarik. Jason and Allison will be coming soon in the next chapters. 


We'd made our stop and were now on our way. I'd gotten a contraption that Jason said would give him WiFi while we travelled and something that would charge his laptop in the car. I didn't ask, I just got it. I wasn't going to be playing any games, I wanted us to be as prepared as we possibly could. 

He had been searching online for three hours straight by now, gathering as much information on the people we were going toward. We'd had a communication system set up in out train of cars so I could communicate with the three cars that were with us. 

"It looks like we have Jennifer and Bill Klarke, and Hank Freemont. They don't live near each other, in fact the Klarkes are about an hour and a half away from Hank."

"So you're saying it's unlikely that we're going to find Allison with them?" I asked getting irritated. I really hoped this trip wouldn't be for nothing. 

"We probably won't find her, no. But, if those are indeed names that she's heard, there's always a chance that they will know something. If not about Allison, then about the rest of the Klarkes and Freemonts that exist."

I heard more keys clicking as Jason searched some more. 

"They have to know others. There can't just be the people that are scattered throughout the entire country. There are some abroad as well. But there's maybe ten of each, all throughout the world. There have to be more somewhere, it just seems unlikely. The rest of them have to be shielded somehow."

"And you think they're just going to tell us where the others are? If they're shielded, do you really expect it to be that easy?" 

"No I don't," he said matter-of-factly. "However, you're an Alpha. I trust you know how to make people talk."

Was he really suggesting torture? Because I wasn't a huge fan of that, I'd done it before for my father, many times actually. I wasn't too keen on the idea of it. However, if these people knew something that could lead me to Allison, I would probably do anything. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do to make sure she went back home safe. 

We were both quiet for a while. I kept driving, thoughts of what I would have to do in my mind. Memories of what I'd done for my father to other people taking me over. I'd done a lot for my father, whatever he'd told me to do. I couldn't very well tell him no, and at the time I hadn't seen what had been so wrong about it. He had made it seem like a necessity. 

Sometimes torture was a necessity, but not in the way he used it. It was never used to stop anything bad from happening, it wasn't used to save lives. It had been used for his own personal gain. 

I'd been hiding my feelings about my father inside for quite some time now. It had been difficult to keep it up recently. It was getting to a time when I wasn't sure my father was actually fit to be the Alpha any longer. I wasn't sure that he had the best intentions for our pack. I didn't want to see them get hurt, for our pack to suffer because he is starting to slip.

He knows his days are numbered, just a year and a half left until I take over. I had started wondering if maybe it was time for me to just step up. I know my father wouldn't willingly step down, not until it's my time. That's what I was afraid of. My father was ruthless in his younger years, it's hard to believe it, but he's gotten soft. Even still, he taught me what I know and I'm not sure if I'd be able to fight my own father. 

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