Chapter 15- Operation Rescue

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We were getting closer to Allison, at least I thought we were getting closer. I'd been working through the directions in my head. They'd been vague to say the least, but I was pretty sure I was on the right track. 

We hadn't seen anyone on our way and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or bad. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't seeing them because they were with the other guys. They were all held up at the fight with the rest of our men. 

We made another turn and we were in a hallway with bright fluorescent lights. I had to squint at first. 

Allison had to be close. 

I turned again, Jason following close behind and that's when we saw them. Two men were standing outside a door and I knew we had to have found her. There was no way they would have two guards standing outside of an empty room. No, they were guarding someone, I was just hoping to the gods it was Allison. 

Jason's foot kicked something on the ground and we heard the echo as it moved across the floor. I cursed under my breath and watched as the guards turned toward the sound. Toward us. I hid behind the corner and listened for the sound of footsteps. 

I heard one set on the concrete floor. There was really no point in hiding. They were going to come over here toward the sound and they would see us. We could back track, hide behind the other wall, but the fact of the matter was we would have to go up against them eventually. There was no way they would leave their post. If they were indeed guarding someone, they wouldn't just walk away. 

"We're going to have to fight. Now," I whispered to Jason before stepping around the corner. 

I'd misjudged the sound of his steps and I was face to face with the man. I didn't think, I just moved. My arm went back before swinging forward again, my fist getting him in the jaw. I heard a crack from the impact and as he went down I saw the other person running toward us. 

Jason went around going toward him. 

The man at my feet stood back up and I backed away, putting a little space between us. I called on the Alpha power within me. The one that gave me more control over my wolf that most had. I felt my hands shift into claws. This wasn't a full shift, and it wasn't the partial shift. It was just the shift of my hands. The long talons came from my fingers. Lethal weapons. 

Tonight was a full moon, I didn't even have to use lethal force with my claws. A simple scratch would turn them. 

I quickly moved forward again and grabbed a fist full of the man's shirt. 

"Is she in there?" I growled. 

The man didn't look like he was going to talk. I lifted him off the ground and backed him against the wall. 

"I asked if she was in there!" My patience was nonexistent. 

I hissed and dropped the man, moving back quickly. I looked at his hand, a small dagger there, shining with blood. I looked down at myself. Blood was starting to spread against my t-shirt. He'd stabbed me in the side. 

What worried me was that it had been with silver. The wasn't going to heal quickly, and while I was sure that he hadn't hit anything vital, I wasn't sure that I wouldn't bleed out before we got out of here. 

I felt the growl vibrate through my chest and I saw the man's eyes go wide. He'd never faced a werewolf before. I was his first. If I wasn't as pissed as I was now, I may have felt sorry for him. His first werewolf and he was going up against an Alpha. 

I used my speed and rushed forward. One clawed hand wrapped around his throat as I stared into his eyes. In the horror I saw there I knew my eyes were shifting back and forth with my rage. 

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