The Victorian Mansion:

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The auctioneer stood outside the house, he was a tall young guy with Blonde hair and Blue eyes who introduced himself to me as James Carter. "This house has an incredible history," he told me pointing at the house, it was a tall Victorian mansion painted a dark slate Grey colour with an old-fashioned chimney and dusty doors and windows.
"Let's go inside," I suggested fearlessly.
James led the way and I walked into the house, the hallway was huge and narrow with lofty ceilings, all the walls were painted Black, it was like a gothic mansion "the person who lived here, their favourite colour must have been Black," I said. James turned to me and said, "a young man used to live here in this very village, people suspected that he was a vampire but nobody was certain about it, he never came outside the moment he stepped foot in the house, not even at nighttime."
"That's strange," I said raising my eyebrows, "why did people think he was a vampire? And how can he not leave the house? What about shopping and errands?" I asked.
"He had servants and a butler who lived with him, they would do all his shopping, and they thought he was a vampire because the landlord who met him said he had the palest skin as White as paper and the darkest raven hair."
"Wow, that's crazy," I said. I traced a finger on the Black wall and a coat of dust fell off, the house looked like it hadn't been cleaned in centuries. It was empty with no furniture except for an old Black and White portrait of a man sitting on a Golden throne.
"Who's that?" I said pointing over to the picture.
"That's the king of vampires," James responded. "He's the one who built this mansion and used to live here but one day he was walking through the forest when a strike of lightning struck and he was gone, his son Vladimir inherited the mansion and he left him his fortune and valuables after he left."
"Wow, I thought vampires were invincible like nothing could destroy them."
"Well that's what legends say, but the truth is far from fantasy," James turned a corner, "this is the sitting room he said entering a dark room with a huge fireplace blazing away with leather sofas next to a huge 6-foot window.
"It's so fascinating, I love history and old things," I gasped.
We did a quick tour of the house and James told me facts about the house, that it was built in 1865, there was a secret room but nobody had discovered it yet and that something evil had happened in one of the rooms, the more I thought about it the more I realized I didn't want to buy the house, I felt an uneasy sense of nervousness like something was telling me that this house wasn't right for me, I wasn't the right person for it and I felt like I should listen to my instincts.
The floorboards creaked as I climbed down the old Black carpeted spiral staircase and met James downstairs.
"So what do you think?" He asked me.
"I like it but it's not suitable for me," I told him honestly after thinking about it for a while; I didn't want to be stuck in an old mansion, what if it was haunted? I'd read too many books and watched too many horror movies to take such risks like that in my life.
I am not a risk-taker and that's ok with me. I'd rather be careful, write plans, and make lists it's just the type of person I am.
"Well that's, too bad," said James. "Call me if you change your mind."
I walked out of the house it was now behind me, staring back at me like a dark overcast shadow, it looked dull against the bright Blue sky like something out of a historical painting.
The next day I went back to the house just to see it once more but it wasn't there anymore, there was only grass and buildings behind it.
I thought about contacting the realtor James but I decided not to, maybe somebody had removed it for a reason but I had no idea why or how it could have been done so fast.
"Kitty," I turned around to hear a deep voice say my name, a tall man stood next to me dressed in all Black. He opened his mouth revealing his teeth and bit my neck.
It was Vladimir.

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