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I wake up next door to Wyatt and wow his body is great. I kiss his cheek and sit up. I put on some clothes Willa must have left me. Wyatt wakes up and kisses me. He gets dressed and we have a quick breakfast before I have to go sneak back in. 

"Where were you and where is Carlie?" asked dad. "I was at a friends and Carlie I think is still with her friends. We haven't talked in a while properly" I said. They nod and I go get changed. I put on a shirt dress with black doc martins (I have bike shorts underneath). I brush my hair and slide a beanie on. My hair is slightly curly from last night. I go downstairs and make myself some pancakes. I pour melted chocolate over them. I dig in and then make some coffee. I pour it in a flask though. 

I walk out and Wyatt's there in his car. I hop in and fasten my seat belt. He kisses my cheek and begins the drive. We eventually get there and we go inside. We go to our locker and I smell vampires? I spot them. "Fuck" said Wyatt. He takes my hand and pulls me out of school. We hop in his car and go to the pack house. We go to his room and talk for the rest of the day. 

He drops me home and I go inside. "Hey your hanging with us, right?" asked mum. I nod and sit on the sofa. "How was school?" asked mum. "Good" I said. "That's good" said mum. I just nod. We order Chinese and relax. They mainly talk between themselves, and about Carlie. They only talk to me sometimes, which is shit but I don't care that much because I have my family, the pack. 

I decide to go to bed at 10 since I'm tired. I say night and go to my room. I put on my pyjama's and slide under the covers. Sleep soon finds me, which I'm thankful for.

Evil Vamps are getting closer but why our school? Are they after me or Carlie?

Short chapter for now!

Hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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