The ride back.

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"Hey man, I'm Liam. Liam Hayes. Your roommate," A tall, masculine guy held out his hand towards Jung who shook it. 

"Jung. Seong Jung-Wook. This is my girlfriend, Amanda Wealth,"  Liam shook her hand, too.

"I'll be going to  reunite with some friends, I'll see ya' round!" He left and Jung looked around to inspect the room.

"It's fine," He shrugged.

"Well, given the fact that you're gonna live here for two years. It's nice."

"Yeah. Though I'll have to cuddle up with a spare pillow from now on," 

"Aw, I'll make it up to you when you'll be back. And I'll visit too. It's just a year," She wrapped her arms around his waist and he kissed the top of her head.

"I still feel bad about this," She looked up at him.

"About what?"

"About this... you coming to Harvard instead of Columbia just because of me,"

"Oh come on, don't you get too full of yourself. Harvard seems much better than Columbia. That's why I'm choosing to come here," She shrugged and smiled up at him.

"Why are you so loveable?" He demanded.

"Um... Because that's how I am."

"Dumb answer, Cupcake,"

They both pulled away and looked towards the source of the voice.

Of course, the voice belonged to the one and only

Ansel James Luck.

He entered the room, looked around then looked at Jung.

"You are one asshole of an elder brother. You left your luggage downstairs in the car for me to carry, while you're here getting comfy with Cupcake,"

"What the hell is Cupcake?" Jung asked, clearly amused.

"Your girlfriend here gets pissed off on anything I call her, especially this. So you get it," Ansel smirked knowingly. Jung smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, I was just coming downstairs,"

"Huh. It's all done, Carlos is coming up with the last of your luggage. All's done,"

"Hey, nice room!" Carlos appeared in the doorway.

"Yeah, it's cool,"

"I'm just five rooms away,"

"Oh that's cool," Amy smiled approvingly.

"Yeah, Carlos can keep an eye on Jung for you," Ansel smirked.

"I did not mean it that way," Amy told Jung.

"Okay, We should probably move," Ansel clapped his hands together and looked at Amy.

Oh shit! In the excitement of riding with Jung to college, she forgot she had to come back with ANSEL FREAKIN' LUCK!

"Oh yeah, you should go. Or you'll be late reaching home," Carlos said.

"Say your goodbyes." 

Jung and Amanda looked at him, He looked at them back.
Carlos cleared his throat, Ansel turned to look at him. 

"We should probably wait in my room," He suggested. 

Ansel rolled his eyes and walked towards Carlos.

"Five minutes," He held up five fingers at Amy, turned, and walked away.

"I'll miss you," She whispered.

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