Part II

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"An!" Why does he keep yelling at me? "An!"

"Do you really have nothing better to do than yell at me?" I yell back.

"An, I just wanted to ask you-" he busts into my room, where I'm lying on my bed, my favorite book, The Night Circus, open on my lap. Kile gives me a pointed look. "You've read that book a million times."

"Your point?"

"Don't you get bored, reading the same thing over and over again?"

"No." Dimwit.

Kile sighs. "Whatever. Anyways, I found this on the kitchen table. What is it?" He holds up the water polo flyer.

"Can you not read?"


"Kile." I hate living with my brother. I hate having a brother. Why did I agree to have a brother?

"I know what it says."

"Then why did you ask what it is? You know what it is. You read it."

"Ok, what I meant was, why do you have it?"

"Because they need a coach."


"And I want to be a coach."



"Seriously. Why do you have it?"

"I'm serious! I want to coach for them!"

"An, sorry to break it to you, but you're in a wheelchair." You think I don't know that?

"Kile, sorry to break it to you, but I went to Princeton on a water polo scholarship."

"No. Absolutely not." Wait- wha- yes I did!

"Yes I did!" Does he not remember the whole freak out I had when I found out? I didn't stop smiling for like a month and he said I was creepy.

"I know you did. What I'm saying is that you're not coaching a 16u water polo team."

"Wha- why not?" Doesn't he see that this is the opportunity of a lifetime?

"Because you're in a goddamn wheelchair, An!" He actually looks mad now. Oops.

"So? I can't play. Doesn't mean I can't coach."

"An, it's way too dangerous. There is no way I'm letting you do this." Who the fuck is he to decide?

"You don't get to decide, Kile. Hell, you don't even get a say in it."

"Yes, I do! I'm your brother!"

"So? You're a full year younger!"

"Doesn't matter." That's it. I'm done with this.

"Ok. Kile, get out."

"An, we need-"

"Out!" Is he deaf?

"Ok. Fine." He says quietly, before walking out of my room and shuts my door quietly. I can tell that he's mad, but he's trying not to let it show.

After he's gone, I realize that he left the flyer on the end of my bed. I lean over and grab it. After reading it over again, I reach to my bed stand and snatch up my phone. I quickly dial the number listed on the flyer and wait as I hear it ringing.

"Hi, can I help you?"

"Hi, I'd like to set up an interview for the coaching spot for the water polo team."

"Yes, of course!" The girl on the other end sounds very excited. "Okay. What time would you like?"

"Let's say...Tuesday at four?" Kile will be at school. Good.

"Perfect! Yes!"

"Cool. Um...where should I meet you?"

"Oh! Right! We'll meet at the Princeton University pool. Do you know where the aquatics center is?" I know it well.


"Okay! Great! I'll see you then!"

"See you," I say, but the girl has already hung up.

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