Part VI

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of some machine is what I wake to. I slowly open my eyes to the too bright light of the hospital room, so much like the ones I've been in again and again.

"An! Thank god. You're awake." I turn my head and see Endia by my bedside. She is gripping my hand and sitting in a plastic waiting room chair.

"What...what happened?" I croak, before bursting into a fit of coughs.

"Something went wrong in your surgery a year ago, after the accident. The doctors didn't notice it at the time. Something with your spine? Something tore or broke...I don't really know. Anyways, you went through surgery, but you're okay. Thank god, you're okay." Endia tells me.

"Oh. Wow. I- um- why are you here?"

"Your brother called me. I wasn't sure what he was talking about, he was really freaked, but I managed to hear 'An', 'screaming', and 'hospital'. I figured it out from there."

I try to laugh but start coughing again. Endia is still holding my hand. I wonder if she notices. I definitely do.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Maybe...four days? Yeah, that's about right."

"What? Four days?" I'm shocked. "Have you been here the whole time?"

"Um...yeah." Endia says sheepishly.

"Endia! How many practices have you missed?"

"What? An, that doesn't matter. And speaking of the team, there are some people who want to say hi..." She pulls out her iPad. Unlocking it, she goes to the Skype app. She then turns it away from me so that I can't see it. I hear it ringing, and then...

"Guys! It's coach Endia!" From the iPad.

"Is that Jack?" I ask, recognizing the voice.

"Yup," says Endia. "And the rest of the team." She turns the iPad so I can see it. I see the inside of a locker room and a group of boys all staring at me from the screen.

"AN!" They all shout. They're all very excited.

"Hi, guys," I say. "How's practice going?"

"Good!" Says Peter from the back.

"But not as good without you," says Jack. "Coach Ryan is an asshole."

"Jack, language," Endia scolds.

"Sorry, coach. But it's true!"

"Even so." She responds. I laugh.

"Where are you guys?" I ask.

"Locker room. Practice starts in..." Andy looks at his watch. "Well, now. But this is more important."

"You guys really shouldn't-" I start, but Endia cuts me off.

"An, it's fine. They can miss a few minutes, I'm sure Ryan will-"

"Jack! Andy! What the hell are you all doing in here? You're supposed to be warming up! Who the fuck are you talking to?" Shit. I look at Endia. Her eyes are wide with shock and worry.

"Coach Ryan! Um- we were just- coach An-" Jack stutters. Even he's afraid of Ryan.

"I don't give a damn who you were talking to! Shut it off! Now! You-" the call terminates. I glance at Endia worriedly.

This is bad.

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