Chapter 25

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Ava's POV

'How do you want to play this? Want me to knock some sense into them?' Alana's voice bombarded my thoughts.

'No, I'll handle this,' I answered.

'They're going to walk all over you,' she snickered, but gave up on trying taking control of the situation.

I could see her, sitting comfortably eating popcorn like she was at the movies in my head. That was yet another reason why I couldn't fail. I had to show her and Jayden that I could handle myself.

Ignoring the boys curious stares; I walked around the desk and sat on the other side of the boys. As soon as I perched my butt on the chair, the boys gasped dramatically.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know why they were acting as if they just saw an alien.

"Nothing... It's just that alpha never lets anyone sit in his chair" one of the boys spoke up.

"Is that so?" I asked not really intrigued. They both nodded their heads and I left the conversation at that.

"Firstly, I'd like to know, why were you guys fighting?" I asked and sat up in my chair awaiting their answer.

"He stole my girl" the blonde guy mumbled.

"I did not. She came at me!" the brunette fired back.

"Well, you could have rejected her advances" the blonde guy sulked.

"I tried to tell you that she wasn't any good. I'm sorry that I slept with her, but at least now you know that she was just using you to get to me" the brunette explained.

Wow. This seemed like a private conversation that I wasn't supposed to be part of.

"It's just that I always had a crush on her and when she said yes, I was so happy that I didn't even realize that she wasn't into me" the blonde said with a frown.

The poor guy looked distraught.

"I'm sorry for sleeping with her. In my defense, I was drunk as shit I didn't even knew it happened until the next morning" the brunette explained looking remorseful for his action. "Truce?" he suggested.

"Truce?" the blonde mocked. "I'm going to rip you to fucking shreds!"

They both got up on their feet ready to attack. They were doing so well, but they had to let their giant egos get in the way.

Not thinking about it, I changed into my wolf. The transformation was a bit painful, because I hadn't been in wolf form for months.

I let out a loud growl that shook the walls of the pack house. The boys finally looked away from each other, and looked at my huge white wolf terrified.

I could see the fear in their eyes as the backed away and I jumped on the desk, which collapse under my weight. Jayden is not going to be happy when he sees this. I growled threateningly at the boys as they quivered in the corner.

I knew that this was a bit excessive, but I think it was getting my point across quite clearly. Alana was having a field day watching the boys shake violently in the corner. I swear there was something wrong with her.

I jumped off the now broken desk and landed in front of the boys. I could have sworn I saw them crying, or was it just my imagination.

The whole thing was ironic though. Imagine seeing two boys crying because of a white wolf that normally looked adorable. Alana cackled evilly at the situation.

"Please don't eat us. We won't try to fight again. I forgive him and he forgives me. I promise that we will live in peace and harmony as of from now. We won't-" I cut off the blonde guys rant with a growl.

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