Chapter 29

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Ava's POV

I've decided to adopt Andy. It was a spur of the moment decision, but I didn't regret it. All I had left to do was get Jayden on board, which shouldn't be too hard, if I could find him.

Jayden didn't come home last night and I haven't heard anything from him. After our training session yesterday, we went our separate ways. I went to the pack house, and he went to deal with a problem that they were having at the pack border.

I've tried mind linking him, but he only blocked me out refusing to let me in. I also tried calling and texting, but he didn't answer either.

I was worried. I didn't sleep a wink last night, just in case he'd come home. It was now morning and he still wasn't home. I brought the cup up to my lips and took a sip of the coffee. This was probably my sixth cup, I think.

Deciding that waiting around wouldn't help; I threw on a pair of jeans, a tank top, a cardigan and a pair of sneakers.

The first place I decided to check was the pack house, but when I got there everyone looked so distraught and sad that it only made me even more anxious.

What if something bad happened to him?

I went up to the first person I saw and ask if they had seen him.

"You don't know?" the woman asked surprised.

"Know what?" I replied confused.

"Today is the anniversary of the alpha's parents death. He would normally visit them at the cemetery, so maybe you can find him there" the woman replied with a sad smile.

Well that explained why everyone seems to be in such a gloomy mood. I asked her for the directions to the cemetery and as soon as I got them, I was on my way.

I ran there as fast as I could, praying that he was there. And he was there on his knees before two graves. I walked slowly and quietly towards his shaking figure. As I reached my hand out to touch him, he grabbed it and turns around to glare at me with his eyes glistening with tears.

"What are you doing here?" he asked angrily.

"You didn't come home last night. I wanted to make sure you were ok" I spoke softly.

"Well, I'm fine. You can go now" he said in a dismissive tone and turn back towards the graves.

"But Jayden-"

"Are you fucking deaf!? I said you can go" he roared.


"Just leave. Dammit!" he boomed.

I took a step back as if he had slapped me in the face, because that was what it felt like. Despite his hurtful words, I didn't want to leave him alone in this state.

I'd let him be, but I didn't leave. I went to sit on a fallen branch that I saw at the entrance of the cemetery. I knew he said that I should leave, but I also knew that was the hurt talking.

I've been down this road before. I knew how it felt. I know that he didn't mean what he said, so I would just give him his space, but I would still be there for him.

'Fuck' I heard him shout from where I sat. He sounded so broken and frustrated that it broke my heart.

I wanted to run to him and ease his pain, but I knew he needed to get his feelings out. He has always been so strong and confident that it hurt to see him so vulnerable.

I've just been sitting there for some time, mulling over my thoughts, when I heard a series of howls. You could hear the pain in their howls as they mourn the loss of their former alpha and Luna.

All their howls combined created a beautiful sound. I sat quietly listening as they all poured their hearts out. It was the perfect lullaby that I needed to finally close my eyes and let the sleep take over.

"Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet my mate, Ava." I was awake, but I still had my eyes closed, not wanting to disturb Jayden.

"Mom, I know that you'd be disappointed in me for the way I've treated her, but I'm trying to make up for it. I messed up again, and I' not sure she'll forgive me this time. I just keep screwing up" he said frustrated.

"It's like I don't know how to do anything right. I wouldn't even blame her if he wanted nothing to do with me. I hurt her yesterday and then I ran like a fucking coward. I just made up some bullshit excuse so I didn't have to see how much I had hurt her. I did it again today, even though I should have been groveling at her feet, begging her to forgive me. Mom I-I-I" he continued on the verge of breaking down once more.

I could feel his body shaking as I heard his quiet cries interrupting the once silent graveyard. I was in his arms and I felt a few tears drop on my forehead while he cried. I wanted to just open my eyes and tell him that it was ok, but I felt like he needed to get it out.

"I can't believe that I was so stupid that I almost asked Olivia to marry me, when I had my perfect mate waiting for me to find her." he said with a dry laugh.

"I just want her to be happy. I want to make her happy, but I just don't know how. I don't know how to stop screwing things up. Fuck!" he shouted the frustration clear as day in his voice.

I sniffle, which was enough to alert him that I was awake.

"Sweetheart, I know that you have been awake this whole time" he murmured in my ear.

Here I actually thought that I was doing a good job of hiding it.

"I didn't want to interrupt you" I smiled sheepishly with my eyes now open.

"I'm so so so sorry. I messed up big time and I-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"I'm not mad at you. I just wanted you to let me be there for you like you have been for me" I whispered.

"I know and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I pushed you away. I'm sorry that I keep messing up. I'm-" another kiss.

"It's ok. Just don't ever push me away like that ever again" I said in a serious tone.

"I won't" he smiled.

We spend the rest of the day with him telling me about his parents and getting to know each other. I learned a lot of things about him that I never knew before. I felt closer to him than before, and I couldn't be happier.

"Hey. Who's Olivia?"


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