I don't feel purple

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If calendars did not exist, I wouldn't have noticed that it has been seven months since I first met Sophie

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If calendars did not exist, I wouldn't have noticed that it has been seven months since I first met Sophie. It was the 14th of November, three months nearing pay day. Over the past few months, there were scattered hints of Sophie's sickness worsening, though I only noticed the terrible headaches she would complain about, she pointed out that her mispronouncing words, interchanging numbers, and sometimes having trouble keeping up with out conversations were a few of the symptoms of having a tumor.

Although not receiving treatments, Sophie had been visiting the hospital more frequently. It had been two days since I last saw her, and so that Saturday, she suggested to meet up at her house before walking together to the frozen yogurt place.

Sophie held my hand the moment we stepped out of her house and I think it was sweet of her to check every once in a while if I was comfortable with the physical touch. I was getting used to it.

"Ooh a penny!" Stooping down without letting go of my hand, Sophie picked the coin from the ground looking like she just found a diamond. Turning to me with pursed lips and squinted eyes, she showed me the coin. "Okay, Sabine let's play flip coin. If it's heads, I'm yours, if it's tails, you're mine. Which side are you?"

"It's the same thing."

"No, it's not. Come on."

Smirking, I let go of her hand to cross my arms. "Neither. You can't catch it." With the number of times she tripped and had to replace a drinking glass (13 I counted), there was a low chance she'll flip and catch the coin.

Sophie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Watch. Prepare yourself to be mine."

Like I predicted, she was not able to catch it and so she rambled about the "stupid piece of metal" until we reached the frozen yogurt place.

"I'll have a vanilla and then one strawberry with gummy bear and marshmallow toppings. Both medium." Sophie had gone to save us a seat, leaving me to order.

"Got it. You might also want to try our salted caramel, it's our best seller, plus, it comes with my number for free." The cashier, Denise, winked. He had a charming smile and a seemingly perfect set of teeth.


An arm wrapped around my waist and I almost jumped from the sudden warmth on my right but it was just Sophie. "Baby I got us the corner booth," Her voice sounded sweet but she smiled with a gritted teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry I did not know." I glanced back to Denise whose cheeks were bright pink. "Here's the change." Sliding over the change on the counter, he glanced over at Sophie. "I'm so sorry,"

"Thank you." I took the change and placed it in the tip jar then walked to the receiving counter. "I'm not a baby."

Sophie merely laughed before taking the our cups of frozen yogurt to the corner booth. There were a bunch of rowdy teenagers behind me, someone even bumping on the seat, causing mine to rattle a bit.

I turned back to the blonde who was grinning down at her dessert. "Do I look like a baby?"

"Yeah you look like my baby."

How could I have not known this? There wasn't a crying little human whenever I was at her house, not even baby toys. "You have a baby?"

"Yeah, you."

Sophie laughed once again, leaving me lost and nothing to do but to take a spoonful of frozen yogurt that was quickly melting.

"Did you mean like, the endearment term? That makes more sense, I think."

"God, you're so adorable."

I'd like to think otherwise.

A loud clap of hand made me flinch. "Oh! Right. I got you something." Sophie reached down in her peach handbag, pulling out a small scarlet paper envelope and handing it to me.

The blonde tapped on the table, biting her lips.

Tearing of the top of the paper, I shook the thing inside to my palm.

"It's a mood ring!" Sophie squealed, leaning a little as I inspected the ring. It was of a gold band with a tiny bead in the middle, surrounded by crystals. It was thin and inconspicuous, just the style I preferred when it comes to accessories. I slipped it on my ring finger, marveling at how it fits snuggly.

Sophie explained how the mood ring changes colors based on the temperature of my body and so predicting my mood. A paper guide that contained all the possible colors with the corresponding mood was inside the envelope. Yellow was nervous, pink was happy, blue was relaxed, purple was---

I looked up when I felt someone staring and came eye to eye with those pretty green eyes almost always accompanied with a stupid goofy smile.

"Stop that. It's making my face hot. I don't like it."

"You're blushing."

"Stop. I don't like it." I can feel my face burning and it was making me squirm.

"I can't control your reaction."

"But you can influence it. So stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Sophie blinked her wide eyes, batting her eyelashes.

"Like that." I pointed at the culprit. "Close your eyes please."

Sophie did as I said, that stupid smile still on her face, but instead of feeling at ease my heart merely beat faster.

She's kind of cute. Kitten kind of cute.

Glancing down to my fingers, the ring was purple- calm.

Surely this is a hoax.

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