Chapter Seven

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Castella reluctantly wanders away from the window and sits at the table as Animbas goes into the kitchen. She glances behind her out the window, imagining the forms of the two men. She takes her bottom lip into her mouth as she thinks, wondering how on Earth they knew her. She feels herself shiver as Animbas touches her, his gentle touch comforting. She twists to look at him and sits to face a good meal, but doesn't notice it because of the way Animbas is looking at her. His green eyes are focused solely on her face, favoring the right side. 

"Are you alright, Animbas?" She questions before he shakes his head and replies, "Yes, just thought I saw something."

"What did it look like?" She asks before poking her fork into the deer, about to eat it. Animbas reaches across the table and stops her previous to saying, "May I pray?"

"Sure." Castella puts her fork back down and closes her silver eyes, right after she grabs Animbas's hand. She can feel his smile through her eyelids, and grins though she can't see his reaction to that. 

"Dear Heavenly Father," Animbas starts with a calm voice, "thank you for today, though Castella and I had a bit of trouble. I pray that tonight would be better, and we could just enjoy each other's company and this meal you have prepared for us. In you name, Amen."

"Amen." Castella echos, her silver eyes opening when she says the word. Animbas is looking at her with a smile, and he says, "You know something?"

"A couple things, yes, but I can't read your mind." Castella laughs with Animbas before he states, "You have been quite the nice surprise."

"Oh." Is all Castella can manage to get out before Animbas adds on, "I enjoy the different quality of perspectives you have compared to my parents. I also love the fact you're a dragon, and I don't think I'll get over that anytime soon."

"I'm not sure what to say." Castella says with a shy smile before Animbas explains, "I meant no disrespect. I only meant that I love your company, and I wish it could be like this for a while."

Castella just smiles before Animbas starts eating, and Castella allows herself a bigger smile before digging in. They eat in almost pure silence, but they do it because they're both enjoying their meals so much. 

At the end, Castella asks, "What did you see?"

"When?" Animbas asks, his green eyes again focused on her. 

"I asked if you saw anything. You said you thought you saw something behind me." Castella replies, tilting her head sideways a bit. She studies his eyes in the millisecond it takes him to remember. 

"Oh, yes, yes." Animbas waves his hand before he grabs Castella's dishes, stacking them on his own. "Just thought I saw very faint silhouettes. It looked like fog was outlining them." He adds on before wandering into the kitchen, washing the dishes.

Castella looks out the window, twisting in her seat to peer. She sees nothing, just the dark, and turns back to the table. She fiddles with the table cloth before feeling a cool breeze on her forehead, and looks up, straight into gold scaled eyes. She screams before a massive hand clamps her mouth shut, and Castella's scream goes silent. She studies the black hair and wide shoulders, then spots his twin over his shoulder. She tries to shout a warning for Animbas, but it's muted and hopeless. 

He walks out of the kitchen holding a dish, just to drop it as the Shifter slams his head against the wall three times in succession, for his own assurance that Animbas has faded into unconsciousness. Castella feels the familiar tears at her eyes, and she finds the rage turn into strength before she shoves the man. She may as well have been trying to punch through concrete. 

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