Chapter 7

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When I wake up, Killian is snoring softly in the chair. I throw my pillow at his head.

He jumps awake, startled. "Katrina, don't you know that's not how men like to be woken up?" He asks, his voice husky. "I'd much prefer a-"

"Shut up," I mutter, and swing my legs over the side of the bed. My hand hurts, badly, and stings even through the bandages.

"Where are you going?" Killian hisses, leaping out of his chair and putting his hands on my waist before shoving me back on the bed.

"We have more traps to find," I point out, and stand up once again. "You need my help."

"What I need is for you to heal," He counters, looking at my hand, and I don't understand why he's bothered so much by it. It's a small burn. A burn down to the bone, sure, but a burn nonetheless.

"Killian, stop," I groan. "You kidnapped me so that I could help you find the wolves, that's what I'm going to do. If we find the traps, we can stop the next attack."

Killian sighs, running a hand through his dark hair. "Fine, I'll be right back."

He disappears, and reappears a few moments later, holding out a piece of paper. When I look at it, I realize it's a map.

"Try to see if you can mark the spots where there are traps," He suggests, and I take the map and a pencil.

I sit on the bed, closing my eyes, pushing into my Sight to see where more traps could be. With my eyes still closed, I make small x's over spots. When I finally open my eyes, Killian is staring at me in wonder.

"Katrina, I could kiss you right now," He says, and puckers up, making smooching noises.

I scowl, hitting him across the chest. "I doubt those are all of the traps," I warn him. "Those are the only ones I can See, doesn't mean they're the only ones that exist."

Killian shrugs. "I'll take what I can get," He says, ripping the map out of my hands. "I'll gather my circulus and we'll disarm the traps."

I glare at him. "I hope you're including me in that statement."

Killian stares at me for a moment. "Very well, my dear. I know how hard it is for you to be parted from me," He grins, and holds out his hand.

Scowling, I take his hand, and he pulls us into the in between until we land at the edge of his territory. Within minutes, the members of his circulus arrive.

Killian disappears for a few seconds, and returns with copies of the marked map. "Alright, we're going to partner off, each fighter with a non-fighter."

His circulus doesn't look surprised by this, but I am. "Fighter and non-fighter?" I question.

Killian grins. "Fighters are: Knox, Jae, Maryn, and me, obviously. Non-fighters are: Layla, Kage, Gabe, and you, my darling."

I scowl. "Why the hell am I a non-fighter? I literally beat Knox up."

Knox frowns at this, but Killian laughs. "It's a state of mind, dear. You're a Seer, and therefore you are with the non-fighters."

Kage gives me look and whispers, "Just go with it."

I sigh. "Fine, dibs on partnering with Knox."

Knox blanches at this, and I suppress a smile. It's just too easy to get under his skin.

Killian glares at me, and for a minute, I think he's going to argue, but he just sighs and says, "Fine. Knox and Katrina, Layla and Jae, Maryn and Kage, and Gabe and I."

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