Chapter 10

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I snuggle deeper into my pillow, burying my face in it to block out the sunlight that streams in through the windows.

And then I hear my pillow rumbling in satisfaction.

"I'm going to murder you!" I shout, scrambling off of my bed and glaring at the insufferable Alpha.

"Now, now, darling," Killian grins. "No need to ruin such a nice morning with death threats."

I take a deep breath and count to ten, repeating in my head over and over: I will not stab Killian in the throat even though he deserves it. I will not stab Killian in the throat even though he deserves it.

"Come back to bed, dear," Killian pats the space on the bed next to him. "We were having such cute morning snuggles."

I reach for the knife on my bedside time and try stabbing him, but he disappears.

"You're so cuddly in the morning," Killian murmurs from behind me. "Like a cat. Haha. Kat."

I scream in frustration and throw the knife at him, but he disappears again, reappearing once more on my bed, completely relaxed.

"Just to clarify, is that a no on the snuggles?" Killian quirks an eyebrow.

"I am going to rip out your spleen and beat you with it," I threaten.

"That's not a no."

"Get OUT!"

Killian sighs and teleports to the door. "Fine, but since you won't spend your morning cuddling with me, even though that would have been my first choice, hurry up and get ready. We have a circulus meeting in twenty minutes."

I glare at him. "Couldn't you just have woken me up like a normal person?"

Killian shrugs. "You didn't seem to mind two minutes ago. You make the most adorable little sighs when you curl up closer to me."


Killian laughs and disappears, and once again, I remind myself that killing him is more trouble than it's worth.

I quickly get dressed and pull on my gloves, cursing the day he was born as I do so. Once I'm dressed, I go downstairs, where the circulus is gathered around the table eating breakfast.

"Ooh, Kat, come sit by me!" Layla yells, pulling out the chair next to her. "I want to know which muffin I'm going to eat for breakfast."

Jae rolls her eyes. "Can't you just make that decision and see for yourself, Layls?"

Layla frowns, like the idea hadn't occurred to her. I laugh, sitting next to her. "Blueberry," I tell her. "Mar is going to come late and ask where all of the blueberry ones went, and Kage is going to tell her that he was the one who took the last one, even though he only ate a chocolate chip one."

Kage chokes on his chocolate chip muffin, and Layla giggles, reaching for a blueberry one.

"Can we please start the meeting now?" Knox asks, rolling his eyes, and Jae nods.

"We'll wait for Maryn," Killian sighs. "How much longer until she gets here?"

"Based on previous arrival times, I estimate two to three more minutes," Gabe looks at his watch as he makes his prediction.

"Close," I say, impressed by Gabe. "Three minutes, twelve seconds."

Gabe grins. "I compiled data points of how many minutes Mar is late to circulus meetings in the morning, excluding every data point outside of two standard deviations, and then took the average of that."

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