Chapter 4

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I felt like I was drowning in darkness. It was so thick, and it wrapped around me like a thick wool blanket. Besides the pressure of nothingness around me, I felt weightless. Strange. I felt so strange and lost. I was scratchy, too. That might have been the strange feeling, but I couldn't focus enough to pinpoint it. My head was pounding, and I could hear a small muffled beeping sound coming from what I thought to be my left. The sound was mildly irritating with the jackhammer of a headache, and It was disrupting my almost peaceful sleep. I started to wake up more and realized the beeping was very mechanical. I realized I wasn't in my room. Not the one at the pack house or the one at Charles and Tara's house. The smell was so clinical, and I couldn't place the exact smell. My nose seemed stuffed, almost like a cold. That was impossible, though, because Werewolves didn't get sick. I could feel my wolf in my subconscious sleeping with no intention of being bothered anytime soon. She just wanted to stay still for a few more minutes. Lazy mutt. My head felt fuzzy as I tried to remember what had happened. It had been a normal day or so I had thought. I got up that morning and went to the pack house. I shadowed Zeke. Goddess, it was so hard to keep my head straight when I had been alive for so long. My days seemed to bleed into one another.

That soft beeping sound had gotten louder, forcing my eyes to open. I squinted in the harsh light before my eyes adjusted to the bright LED bulbs. It was midday outside, and I shook my head. Zeke could be saving on our electric bill if he would turn lights off during the day. I looked around and slowly registered the sight of one of our infirmary rooms. Lucky me, there was no one else in here. Opaque plastic partitions hung between every bed in the room, giving privacy to the bed occupants. This room was decently bare compared to the rest of the pack house. There was a wall that held most of Doc's equipment and medicines. There was a table against another wall that Doc would use for emergency surgeries and checkups. I was laying in one of the beds where patients would rest until healed. The tile was a blinding pristine white that shined that much more with the bright lights in the room. I knew this place like the back of my hand, seeing as I was in here more than any other pack member. I had to admit that I hated this place. It always gave me the creeps. Maybe it was the stench I could now name as antiseptic, or maybe it was that the antiseptic had been used to clean up so much of my blood.

I heard footsteps and low mumbled talking coming from outside the door. My ears were clearing up, but I still wasn't able to hear what or who was talking. I looked around one more time before noticing that I was hooked up to an I.V. My arms and my legs had bandages. There was dried blood under my nails, and it looked like they had tried to clean me up a bit. They had changed me into cotton shorts and a tank top. Ugh, I really hated the color white. I tried again to think about what had happened to land me in here. I sat up slowly, giving my heavy head time to adjust to the movement. I pressed the palms of my hands into my eyes as I thought. I had woken up at my parents' house. I could remember Tara putting out a beautiful blue dress that we both knew I would never wear. I had gone to the pack house, and I saw Zeke and Alex in the conference room after- Adrian, oh Goddess. My memories came back to me like a dam had just been broken. I remembered Adrian on the ground after Callum attacked him. Adrian had bled all over me, screaming in pain. The poison, hallucinations, and his fever. He had felt so hot, and I could hear his screams as if I were holding him right now. I wasn't able to help him. Callum was going to die.

I ripped my I.V. out and jumped out of bed. My wolf was mad as she remembered what had happened. She was trying to take control, but I was stronger willed than she was. She and I were on the same page, though. I was going to rip off his jaw and shove it so far up his ass that he'd be throwing it up for days as he bled out. I stalked to the door and flung it open to see Zeke and Hades standing in the doorway. They stopped talking to turn to look at me.

"Fallon, what the hell are you doing out of bed?" Zeke growled, reaching out to grab me.

I moved out of his arm range and growled loudly in warning. "Don't touch me. Where is he?"

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