Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning immediately realizing I wasn't in my room. My mind was a little fuzzy as I sat up in bed remembering the night before. After I was left alone in the bathroom I had proceeded to mope around at the bar. The pixie had been over generous with the drinks she was bringing me. I think she could tell I was confused and on the verge of a break down. Why would Hades want me to come to him for sex? What did he have against Incubi? I figured massive amounts of alcohol would solve my problems, at least for that night. I could deal with everything in the morning. I regretted my thinking now. 

I turned my head to the side and saw a glass of water accompanied by a few pills on the simple nightstand. I must have drank most of the bar if I was suffering from such a raging headache. My body could burn through whatever I consumed that it was hard to get drunk let alone drunk enough to not remember how I got here. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and downed the glass of water in one go before dry swallowing the pills. I noticed I was in the spare bedroom at Jasper's house. He let me stay here from time to time if I needed to be away from the pack house. The room was simple with just a bed with a side table. Jasper had added the small dresser so I could keep a few clothes in there. I slowly stood up trying to make sure the room didn't spin. I made my way to the dresser and opened it up. There was a complete change of clothes in there that I pulled out. 

I was wearing only a white shirt. I frowned wondering for a minute who had changed me out of my clubbing clothes. It was probably Josh or Jasper so I didn't worry about it to much until I was changed and realized the white shirt smelled like Hades. A blush formed on my face before I shook my head. I regretted it instantly as my head started to pound. I looked to the door that led out of the room and slowly made my way towards it. There was a smell coming up from the kitchen and I felt instantly worried.

 I made my way quickly to the source of the smell. Jasper was standing over the stove with a spatula in his hand. He wore a pink frilly apron over his dark clothes and he had a stupid grin on his face. He looked at me when he realized I was standing in the kitchen. 

"Good morning princess! How was your beauty sleep?" Jaspers eyes held a bit of mirth. 

I scowled and made my way to the stove to see what he was making. I looked over at Josh who was sitting at the table conversing with Hades. "Josh," I said slowly, making my voice come out calm. "I thought we agreed that Jasper is not allowed to use the stove."

"I know, but they wouldn't let me wake you up. I'm useless in the kitchen you know that. Jasper volunteered and I couldn't stop him. I figured I'd get you if anything caught fire like last time." Josh looked adoringly at his mate. I smiled and shook my head remembering the last time Jasper had tried to cook for us. We were lucky fire extinguishers were invented. 

"I'm right here you know?" Jasper whined. "I resent that you two keep thinking one unfortunate incident equates to me not knowing how to cook."

"Jasper?" I asked. 

"Yes love?" He responded turning to look at me.

"Your pancakes are burning." I replied blandly before going to sit next to Josh at the table, as far away as the four person table would allow me to be from Hades. I heard Jasper shriek, scrambling to save the burning food, and winced slightly as my head pounded. 

"What time is it?" I asked no one in particular. I rested my head in my hands trying to stop the headache. 

"Around noon." Josh relied. He answer made me pause. I was running behind schedule. Ugh, I really needed to learn not to drink too much. I got up quickly and grabbed a semi-burnt pancake from the stack Jasper had made. 

"Don't burn the house down. I have to grab my bag so I can head out." I kissed my best friend and his mate on the cheek before trying to leave. I ignored Hades eyes which had turned golden again. My efforts to leave were in vain as Josh wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to the seat I was in previously. 

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