"Dont touch her"

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While walking to school, a voice calls out to me. But i can't see where it's coming from.

???: "You're MC, aren't you."
???:"Oh ok, good to know."

Without warning, a tall guy comes out of an alley way and punches me in the face. He keeps repeating, "Don't go near Sayori. I'll kill you if you go near her."

MC:"What the hell is wrong with you!"
???:"Sayoris mine."
MC."Who even are you?"
Kyle:"My name is Kyle."

He leaves and I just walk to Sayori's house. I'm not going to abandon my childhood friend just cause some asshole said "she is his". I knock on the door and when Sayori opens the door she pulls me inside.

Sayori:"MC! A-are you ok?! Did he hurt you?"
MC:"Sayori. I'm fine. Wait....how did you know someone beat me up?"
Sayori:"U-uhhh...just look..."

She hands me her phone and I see a text conversation between Kyle and Sayori with Kyle hitting on her and threatening to beat me up.

MC:"That son of a bitch!"
MC:"I'll be right back."

I run to where I last saw Kyle. I see him and run up to punch him

Kyle:"Ow! You again?!"
MC."Why the fuck are you talking to my friend like that?"
Kyle:"I thought I told you not to talk to her."
MC."I don't give a damn what you want me to not do."
Kyle:"You might want to be careful. If you don't want Sayori to get hurt...or worse..."
MC:"Don't lay a fucking finger on her."

I walk off but as I'm walking away I hear him respond, "We'll see about that...". I decide to go and tell Sayori that im fine. After a few minutes I finally get to Sayori's house but the lights are off. And Sayori isn't running up to me like she usually does. I start to worry,

MC:(in head) "Ok MC, calm down...maybe she's just asleep"

I get to her bedroom door.

MC:"Sayo? Are you in there?"

No response. She probably is just asleep I should probably check on her. I open the door and I feel my heart sink.

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