Part 8

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Captain's Log, Retrospective.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire," as my grandma used to say. She was a horrible cook and hated replicators, but she had a lot of colorful metaphors. Usually while cooking.

Anyway, our original mission arranging the courtship of Prince Petru and Princess Katrin has rapidly turned into a war over disputed territory and the right of my ship's sexy to marry royalty. Which, to be clear, she has no interest in, but the Prince is adamant about rights and about having her. To make things worse, as I was trying to work things out with the Kandor captain, a Cyber hive entered the system through a transtellar gateway, and they aren't supposed to be anywhere near this quadrant.

"Red alert," Smythe called.

The lights flashed red and a shrill siren sounded, followed by a harsh male voice. "Get moving! This is no drill. We are in deep kimchi, so get your butts to your stations. Move! Move! Move!"

Jeb stood up and pushed Prince Petru aside. "Okay, playtime's over. Time to let the adults take over."

"How dare you patronize me," Katrin exclaimed.

Jeb smiled. "You're cute when you're riled. Captain, as soon as those Cybers recalibrate, they are going to be meaner than a nest of angry hornets. We'll cover you. Get the princess back to your planet."

"No," Katrin shouted. "You must save Petru. I demand you get him to safety."

"You're just full of demands, aren't you, young lady? Lucky for you, in this case, I agree."

She nodded. "We will cover your escape, then. Captain Courageous, to the fray!"

Behind her, Captain Courageous shut his eyes as if praying for patience.

Jeb shook his head. "I have a better idea. Why don't we give you the prince and you both get to safety? Captain to Chief Dour, teleport the Prince and his councilor to the Kandor ship."

"No." Dour said.


"My mistress forbids it."

"Captain," Doall chimed in, "the Cybers have begun a telemetric sweep of the system. If we transport anything now, they could intercept and absorb the signal information."

"What was predicted has come to pass," Dour concluded.

Jeb sighed. "The old-fashioned way it is, Cruz, get Donner to prep a shuttle. LaFuentes, have security find Edor and get him on board. We're sending him and the prince to that ship."

"Not without my Loreli," the prince insisted.

"My duty is on this ship," she said from her console by Doall, where she monitored the behavior of the Cybers in hopes she would have insights to help them in or at least some really cool data to pass on in case of their deaths or integrations.

"Brave Loreli. This is why I love you. Then I will stay at your side."

"Incoming transmission from the Cybers, Captain," Doall reported. She put it on speaker for both ships to hear.

"We are the Cybers. We are many, yet one. We will integrate your uniqueness to our programming. Prepare for disintegration and reintegration. We are..."

"Blah, blah," the captain concluded and signaled for the transmission to be turned off. "Doall?"

"Cybers are almost done recalibrating to this system. Shields are up and holding, randomizer is running with three crewmen inserting changes at will. A complaint has been sent to Union Intelligence concerning their recent report on Cyber activity. And Minion First Class Ja'az in Environmental Science wins this week's crisis pool. Donner is in the shuttle bay and warming up the Killians."

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