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Back in 2016, I was falling out of love with writing and we were in a stressful family situation, so I decided to take a break from trying to make a career and just do something fun. the idea behind Space Traipse was to fly by the seat of my pants and indulge my whims - not unlike the crew of the Impulsive. I figured if I amused myself, mission accomplished.

Three collections and dozens of stories later, the crew of the Impulsive has taken permanent residence in my brain and gathered a small but dedicated audience. I'm ridiculously tickled by that. But even better, I fell back in love with writing. I had recaptured the joy of creating new characters and putting them through hell for reader amusement. That, and a terrific crit group got me back on track doing what I enjoy the most: Storytelling.

This year, I decided to self-publish my works, and Space Traipse was a logical, low-pressure first step. After all, I had a whopping seven fans. How could I lose? There are three Space Traipse story collections on Amazon now, plus three short stories in anthologies (Cracked, Overmorrow, and The Planetary Anthologies: Neptune), plus a few more making the rounds. I also have a short story starring Ensign Ellie Doall and a novel in the works.

I also have serious science fiction, comedic horror, and a funny fantasy noir with a dragon who is a detective in our world.

If you'd like to keep up-to-date on my stories, please subscribe to my newsletter https://eepurl.com/dc-8M.

I'm heading to Houston for a few weeks to help my sister, so there's going to be a pause before the next story starts here. Please follow me. I think you'll get notified then when it starts.

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