Chapter Ten: Love of Music

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Radley excused himself before Charlotte and the others to inform his father they had returned from their ride. He heard voices at his father's door and continued past to find Harwood, their butler. He stood nearby discussing something with a maid.

"Yes, Milord, may I help you?"

"When father is finished with his business, please inform him we have returned. When he joins us, you may have tea served. I believe Vivian took care of this."

Harwood snapped a bow and headed towards the kitchen.

Radley stepped into Vivian's library and announced, "Father is still in his meeting. Shall we retire in the music room?" Charlotte and Ruth turned with enthusiasm to visit the room.

"Ben and I shall join you shortly," Vivian told him. He turned to leave but she detained him. "Ben has invited me to join him to break the fast with him again on the morrow before we ride. He has also extended the invitation to you, if you have the time."

A toothy grin of pleasure came with his answer, "I will be delighted. Thank you." He bowed his head before hurrying to escort Charlotte and Ruth down the hall.

He opened the doorway and Charlotte stepped inside the large room with rich windowpane walls of mahogany, and large windows looking out over the back garden. Centered in the room were the pianoforte and harp. Her intake of breath over what she saw pleased him. She walked as if drawn to the piano.

"Do you play, Radley?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes. We each began learning with the piano." He watched Ruth approach the stringed instruments sitting on stands near the wall.

"Who plays the violin?" she asked.

"I do," Radley admitted.

"Ben prefers the cello, though he seldom finds time to practice." Ruth told him

"Father is the pianist among us, though Michael is quite good as well. Vivian enjoys the harp," he said. "However, I am repeating myself as I remember mentioning her talents." He stepped beside Charlotte watching her run her fingertips over the ivory keys. "Would you play for me?"

"I would love to. It is a beautiful instrument." She swept her skirt beneath her and sat upon the bench. At first, she ran a scale to listen to the tone. "Such a fine quality."

He took a position beside the piano so he could look upon her as she played. "Would you like to look at some music?"

"Only if you decide to play with me."

He grinned at what she said. "Begin and I'll accompany you." He heard her begin to play as he stepped over to collect his violin. To make sure the strings were tuned, he placed it by his ear and listened as he plucked them. Satisfied, he listened and allowed the music to move him. He swayed as the strings added to the strength of the piano.

When the music ended, Charlotte looked at him with amazement before she stood and rushed into his arms to hug him. "You play like a virtuoso. I've never had such an opportunity before."

He placed the violin onto the piano. "You flatter me. Your playing had a lot to do with it. You moved me," he said laying his hand on the side of her face. "We shall do this often."

She covered his hand with hers and nodded.

He had kissed her at the park because of her outright sassy and rebellious attitude. But this time, when he leaned forward, she stepped back quickly and looked at Ruth.

"Would you like to play the piece you have been practicing?" Charlotte asked her.

She shook her head so hard her hair flew out. "I would rather you both play another."

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