First Visits

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Diana had woken her daughter up very early that day as she had a class to teach at the Library. Rosemary would also teach the orphan children in the nearby street and she would give them money for survival.

"Is it true that Napolean's rule brought needless death?" One of the children asked.

"I'm afraid that is true. But some of his rule has actually brought some benefit eventhough there was more harm." Rosemary answered.

"And what you should learn from history is that people shouldn't be discriminated against because of who they are." She added. "We should be a more accepting society. It doesn't matter if a person's past is cruel or if they have made mistakes in the past. It doesn't matter if they don't follow the pathetic rules of this society."

"We should love people for who they are." Mr. David's daughter said.

"That's right, Violet. That's absolutely right." Rosemary nodded.

"Then why is it that we are separated from the society?" Carlos, one of the homeless children asked.

"If I knew the answer to that, I would be standing against the society, defying everything that they stand for. I'm really sorry, Carlos." Rosemary said, meaning every word that she said.

"I just want to live a better life." Carlos' younger sister mumbled.

"Which is why I have requested the orphanage to take all of you in. I'm sure that the letter will come soon enough."

The front door opened as the small bell rang and in walked her brother. "Good morning!" He wished his mother. "Morning, Rose." He said and Rosemary waved at him.

"What are you doing here?" Diana asked her son, wondering what he was doing there that afternoon.

"We have a guest." He informed her and pointed to the door, which opened at the right time and in walked a man in a bowler hat.

Rosemary stretched her neck sideways to see who had walked in. "Oh." She whispered to herself.

"Mr. Gray!" Diana exclaimed. "It's absolutely wonderful to have you here."

"The pleasure is all mine." He said as he took his hat off. "This is a very cozy library."

"Thank you. We wanted to make it homely for everyone." She smiled.

"Okay." Basil started. "I'm afraid that I must get back to the painting. Once you are done, please come to the house." He informed Dorian and headed for the front door.

"Thank you!" He told Basil.

"Oh, dear! Look at the time!" Diana said as she looked at the clock. "I'm extremely sorry, Mr. Dorian but I have to go collect a parcel from the post office. Will you be alright to stay here? Of course Rose is there to show you around."

"It's completely alright." He assured her. "Is it okay if I borrow a book if I find one?"

"Why, of course!" She exclaimed. "Rosemary can show you the best collection of books that we have. Rose?"

"Yes, mother?" Rosemary shouted back and the children giggled.

"I'm going to the post office. Take care of the shop for me, will you?" She requested.

"Of course! Bye!" She said. "Why don't we continue tomorrow?" She suggested to the children. "We can start poetry if you want."

"Can we read Dickens?" One of the children asked.

"Absolutely." She said as all of them came out from the area under the second floor. "Off you go then." She informed the children and they rushed out of the library happily. "Mr. Gray!" Rosemary wished him.

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything." He said.

"No, you didn't. It was getting late for them as well." She informed him. "How may I help you?" She asked as she put her hands together.

Dorian was lost in her beauty but once she spoke the last sentence, he came back to reality. "I-I was wondering if I could borrow a book."

"Of course you can." She nodded. "What book do you prefer to read?"

"I read almost all genres as long as they are well-written." He enunciated.

"I have just the book for you." She walked towards the staircase. "It is a fantasy story about far off kingdoms with magic and mystical things." She informed him as she climbed up to the second floor.

The library was two-storeyed and there were two spiral staircases that would lead to the second floor, where most of Rosemary's favourite books were kept along with historical fictions and fantasy novels. The books on the ground floor talked about etiquette and things that the society considered normal.

"It sounds beautiful." He said, waiting near the reception. "Do you always teach children?" He asked her as she fumbled through the books on one shelf, trying to find the right ones.

"Yes, I do." She answered. "Some of them are homeless but I've given a word to the city orphanage to take them in. They shouldn't live such a cruel life."

"That's very noble of you."

"I'm glad someone thinks that." She mumbled to herself.

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering which book to give you." She said as she stacked five books on top of each other in her hand.

Dorian nodded and looked around him. The library really was very beautiful. He had heard from Agatha that his grandfather wanted to help the Hallward's out. Maybe he could do it on behalf of him and because the family was very kind to him.

"Here you go." She climbed down the stairs. "These are the best ones." She expressed, keeping the stack on the reception table.

"They look wonderful." He said, looking at the blurb of the books. "How much do I have to pay?"

"Oh, it is fine." She shook her hand down.

"No, I must pay. I'm no different from everyone else, you know?" He reminded her.

"But I cannot take money from you."

"I insist." Dorian said. "I want us to be friends."

"Very well then." She told him the borrowing charge. "You'll have to return them within one month since you have borrowed four books."

"I will." He picked the books up. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The Redeemed Soul [Dorian Gray]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora