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Making that promise wasn't entirely a mistake but having to have to confront Dorian made Rosemary feel sick. She didn't even want to be in the same town as him, let alone the same room. Yet, she couldn't help but think that the man that he once had been was still in there.

Rosemary promised Basil that she would get his painting eventhough he assured her that he could join the exhibition next year. "You don't have to, not while there is a perfectly good painting waiting to be exhibited."

"Are you sure that you want to face him again?"

"I'll try not to punch him this time." She chuckled.

The next morning, Mr. David insisted on driving her to Kelso's mansion. "I don't know how long you will be staying here. The children are going to have a tough time without you here." He told her.

"Well, I have made arrangements for their education to continue. You don't have to worry at all." She assured him with a smile. She had asked Lady Radley and Victoria Wotton to look after the children that she taught and they were more than happy to oblige.

"Oh thank you, Miss Hallward! How will I ever repay you?"

"Just be the positive self that you always have been and continue to have a smile on your face." She stated. "That will be everything."

Once they reached the mansion, Rosemary took a deep breath. She stared at the wooden front door before knocking on it with an uncertainty. Victor opened the door and had emotions surge to his face.

"Rosemary." He whispered.

"Hi, Victor."

Ever since the night their relationship struck a cord, Dorian had been giving Victor extra work to do right when he and Rosemary would have their matches. That only made her want to stab Dorian's hand and dislocate his collarbone.

"What are you doing here?" He asked hastily.

"I'm here to collect what is mine. Or Basil's, for that matter." Saying her brother's name got a quick smile on the young valet's face. "Are you okay?" She asked, wondering what the smile had meant.

"I'm fine." He shook his head. "Are you sure that you want to come in? I know that Basil has told you about everything that has happened."

"I need that painting. For my brother." She insisted.

Victor nodded and opened the door wide for her to enter the mansion. It felt like ripping off a band-aid when she walked inside and felt a sharp icy prick on her neck. Something was going to happen.

She walked straight to the living room and found the person whom she wanted to have a word with smoking a cigar. He was surprised when he saw her enter the room but he didn't show it on his face. Henry's words echoed in his ear - never show your true emotions, to women especially.

"Rosemary." He said as though nothing had happened between the two of them.

"I'm here for the portrait." She stated.

"I've already given my answer to Basil."

"But you haven't given it to me."

"Hear me, then." He stood up. "The answer is 'no'."

There was a certain pride in his voice, which was clearly Henry's work, that made her blood boil. She was looking at a younger version of Lord Henry himself and she never wished that upon anybody, or thought that it could be possible.

"I'm afraid that I must insist." She said, trying not to scowl.

"The answer is still going to be the same, no matter what you say."

"Well, then." She walked to the peridan in front of her and sat down. "I'm not leaving until I get the painting."

Dorian smirked. "You don't have that much time and you know that as well."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "You underestimate me, Mr. Gray." That seemed to have hurt him. "I have all the time in the world." She leaned back on the seat and rested her hand against the siderest.

"I can get you arrested for this." He threatened.

"For what?" She laughed at his childishness. "For coming in voluntarily, for having a seat, or for borrowing what is rightfully mine?" She asked smugly. If Dorian was going to be prideful, she was going to play fire with fire.


"What? Henry isn't here to whisper answers into your ear?"

"Get out." He snarled.

"Not until I get the painting."

"That painting is mine."

"Which you had shown to the entire town." She pointed out. "You are hiding it. I don't know what has happened to it or you," His eyes melted just for one second and Rosemary could see the older Dorian. "But I am not leaving until I get it."

He gave up. There was no way to argue with the stubborn side of Miss Rosemary Hallward and he finally knew why she never wanted him to see that side of hers. It pricked him when she called him by his last name but...

That was it. He was in a two-state of mind and couldn't make his own decisions, which was what drove him into the hedonistic sensual pathway.

He sat down and continued to smoke but he couldn't concentrate with Rosemary's beady eyes looking at him with hatred. He tried to shake the feeling off but she was certain of what she wanted.

He stood up all of a sudden and started walking up the stairs. He couldn't stay in the room anymore but the floorboard of the first step creaked. He turned around and saw Rosemary climbing as well.

"What are you doing?" He asked but she didn't reply, only smiling sarcastically in response.

He walked hurriedly to his room and attempted to lock the door behind him but she walked in before he could. "Nice room." She stated.

"What are you doing?" He asked, getting agitated.

"For the basics, irritating you." She smirked. Her plan was working.

Dorian groaned before walking out and running down the stairs, which didn't stop Rosemary as he had expected. She was one step ahead as she headed down the other staircase and opened the door to the backyard before he could.

"After you." She gave him way.

"What do you want from me?" He asked.

"Give me the painting."


"Then endure this."

The Redeemed Soul [Dorian Gray]Where stories live. Discover now