4. Let Me Walk You Home.

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"Come on Y/N, don't be stubborn, just let me walk you home, dummy," Elliot said, putting on such a good act of being irritated that Y/N believed he was actually irritated at her. "It's not like I want to or anything. Well, I actually do, I worry about you and want to make sure you're safe, but I am going to pretend that this is a real chore for me because I don't want to be called a simp."

"Thank's but no thanks," Y/N said, giving Elliot a tight-lipped smile. She knew that he always seemed irritated when he was around her, which was interesting because he always seemed to be looking for an excuse to spend time with her. If Y/N didn't know better, she would think that Elliot was a tsundere, but only generic reverse harem anime heroines have tsunderes, And Y/N obviously wasn't one because she put jam on her toast. "Seeing as the main character never walks home with anyone but their crush, it would be improper for me to walk home with you."

Y/N gave Elliot a cheerful wave before she slipped off down the street. At first, the blonde teen who had the only western name with no explanation whatsoever made to follow the generic schoolgirl to make sure she got home safely, but he stopped short. "Wait a minute, I may like her, but I'm not going to follow her home like some yandere creeper, not only would that go against my character type, but it would also be morally wrong and stupid, and I am not stupid."

Elliot crossed his arms confidently before turning on his heel. He started walking in the other direction, oblivious to the pair of eyes that watched him as he left. Stupid, tsk. More like committed, Oyama thought from where he sat inside a flowering hydrangea bush. I am so dedicated to Y/N that I will follow her home, after following her around all day. Even though I still know nothing about her, and met her less than twelve hours ago, my unhealthy feelings for her are set in stone.

Noticing that Y/N had nearly vanished from sight the yandere quickly uprooted the whole hydrangea bush by some miracle of nature and hurried to follow after his love, using the shrub as a 'perfect disguise'.

Several times he got a mouth full of leaves that he would have to spit out, and twigs kept poking him in the eye, but it was worth it if it meant that he could follow Y/N home to make sure that she was safe and that more importantly, she didn't get Isekaied into another world without him.

Oyama had to salute his brilliant disguise. Instead of just casually following behind Y/N, easily being taken as a schoolboy walking the same way home as her, he had embedded himself in the center of a bush, with only his walking legs visible to passing cars and pedestrians while the rest of him was hidden behind green foliage and light blue flowers. Ha, no one will even notice me, Oyama thought smugly. He walked into a light pole immediately after that, his vision, (and cognitive abilities,) impaired by the shrub on his head. (Actually, now that I think about it, his cognitive abilities were probably already impaired.)

"Wow, I get the strangest feeling that I'm being followed," Y/N said to herself as she looked over her shoulder for the umpteenth time. She spotted a familiar hydrangea bush, planted in the middle of a crosswalk. "but I only see a perfectly innocent hydrangea bush following me at a set distance, so I'm sure I'm fine."

Oyama let out a small breath of relief from where he was crouching inside the hydrangea and picked the shrub back up to continue tailing Y/N. After several minutes of this, he noticed that a generic middle-aged pervert was peering at Y/N from around a corner with a creepy grin.

"How dare that sick bastard follow a defenseless generic schoolgirl home without her consent!" Oyama exclaimed from inside his bush in righteous indignation. "I am absolutely disgusted!!!"

Oyama angrily pounced on the other stalker and pulled him inside the hydrangea bush. Even though he had no combat training and had never gone to the gym in his life, he was somehow easily able to overpower the creeper and knock him out cold.

Overhearing the sound from the scuffle, Y/N stopped walking and fully turned around to look behind her. Oyama froze up and quickly crouched to the ground, hoping that Y/N hadn't seen any limbs poking out from the hydrangea bush growing in the middle of the sidewalk that would arouse her suspension.

See the hydrangea, touch the hydrangea, become one with the hydrangea,  Oyama thought as beads of sweat started to form on his brow. I am hydrangea.

"I could have sworn that I heard the sound of a fight, but I only see this innocent hydrangea bush, growing out of concrete, so I guess it's just my imagination," Y/N said with a laugh as she turned back around and continued walking home. "I'm really bad at noticing red flags."

The yandere let out a sigh of relief as Y/N fell for his disguise. He grabbed the bush and continued to follow his treasured blossom. "Now I just need to follow Y/N home every day to protect her from any stalkers trying to follow her home. Perfect."

. . .

Once they arrived at Y/N's home, Oyama watched on until he saw her enter the safety of her home. He let out a breath, as he knew that she was a bit safer than she had been the whole day.

Oyama felt elated from spending the whole day following Y/N around. To him, she gave off an aura, much like Homura's contagious athleticism, that made him all warm and fuzzy inside. It was already starting to fade the longer Y/N was out of his sight. He loved the cozy feeling and was already desperate to feel it again.

He felt a shard of jealousy enter his heart as he remembered Y/N's friends and how much of her time they occupied. "Even though they make Y/N happy, and it wouldn't be too hard for me to join such an open friend group, I am going to hunt them down and kill them one by one, oblivious to the emotional and physiological distress this will cause Y/N," Oyama said as he started to plot the generic demise of Y/N's friends. "Emi, Homura, Elliot, and Ichiro, your days are numbered."


Count how many times I said hydrangea, I dare you.

Honestly, I am having a blast writing this. It's really fun to not take my writing seriously for a change. Anyway,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant