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Five years later

. . .

In a different city and a different Country from the one where the previous events took place, a pair of lovers walked home arm and arm, having just gone to see a movie.

By name, they were Mr. And Mrs. Ichiro Sasaki, a newly married couple who had been together ever since they had endured a traumatic series of events five years prior. The couple had done their best to move on from the past and had started a new life far, far away with the help of Amy and Chad.

The couple still met up with the quirky Yandere Hunters now and then and considered them to be good friends. All and all, life was normal for them.

Recently though, they had been feeling uneasy, so they had hired a private detective to keep an eye out for a man matching the description of Oyama Yamada. However, their paranoia and the private detective they had hired couldn't have been further from their minds that night as they returned to their apartment.

Talking and laughing as they reached their door, they unlocked it and entered their darkened apartment. It was open in layout, with the kitchen to the right-hand side of the door, while the living room was straight ahead. Silhouetted by the light from the city street shining in through the windows was the figure of a man. He had been waiting patiently for their return.

"I've finally found you," a familiar masculine voice spoke, striking icy terror into their hearts and freezing them where they stood. "did you really think that you would be able to escape me? How foolish of you. And now you will pay the price for leaving me, my treasured blossom."


And that is the end, don't worry though... Because I just published the prologue of my new book! 

It is called Loyal Hound and it is a Yandere Boyfriend x Twisted Female Reader.

If you are tired of Y/N always pushing the yandere away after she discovers his twisted behavior and want to see them stay together for a change then you should definitely check it out!

Until next time, I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

My Treasured Blossom [Classic Yandere Boy x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now