Chapter 3 - The Council

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"You know you must be a big deal if the council wants to meet you." Mishal said as they walked inside the glass room. 

They had travelled down the hallway and into this section made entirely out of glass. The council was in the academy. It seemed to Dahlia that everything important was inside this academy.

"I don't care." Dahlia muttered, glaring at Mishal but Mishal didn't seem to notice. 

"I just want to go home," She continued a little more pathetically.

Their footsteps echoed in the whole hallway.

"Of course, she's a big deal Mish, she's a direct descendant, and from the soul's world," Auretta said.

Mishal shrugged, "I guess, It's just they never let anything interrupt their meetings and now-" she broke off. 

"This council, they can send me home? To the soul's world?" Dahlia asked hope blossoming inside her.

Auretta nodded, "The council made the souls world, if anyone can get you back it's them."

The hope inside her quickly deflated. These people were crazy.

They had reached a tall white French door. Dahlia heard the noise of a trumpet; it was like the start of the song they always played in Remembrance Day. Nawra was in front of them and Mishal and Auretta were on either side of Dahlia.

"Announcing," A pause, "Guardian Dahlia, Life Spirit, descendent of Guardian Avita."

Another longer pause.

"Accompanied by, Mishal, Fire Spirit, descendent of Spirit Kalama, and Auretta, Air Spirit, descendent of Alizeh."

Then Nawra whispered "Good luck." 

Inside the room was a long wooden table, filled with golden candles through the middle. Dahlia, Mishal and Auretta walked in the room and the door closed behind them. The sides of the room were covered in red and blue curtains. There were five spirits standing in front of them, and Dahlia guessed they were the five element leaders. The one furthest to the left stepped forward and said,

"Ghadir. It's nice to meet you Dahlia."

He was a short a man, about a foot shorter than Dahlia, he had brown hair and wore a jumpsuit similar to the boy she had seen before, almost white at the top and deep navy down the bottom, but his jumpsuit sparkled and he wore a long cape, he also wore a crown that looked like it was made of ice, and the tips were like rain drops.

The woman next to him stepped forward, "Gaia, always a pleasure dear."

She looked about seventy. She wore a long brown dress covered in rocks and diamonds and other sparkly things from the ground. She wore a crown made of leaves and held a long stick she used as a staff.

"Blaze, I'm Blaze, pretty self-explanatory really."

He wore a jumpsuit that was bright red, he wore a black cloak and a long red crown, that was on fire, which covered his hair. Dahlia tried to make sense of their ages, he looked around thirty, while Ghadir looked around fifty and Gaia looked around seventy. The next person was Azalea who had just smiled and motioned for her to move on, Dahlia noticed that Azalea was wearing a flower crown and her butterflies were all different colours, "Someone knows how to dress up," Mishal murmured to Dahlia.

The last person was a woman that looked around forty, her hair was silky, long and platinum blond, and it reached the ground. She wore a long white cloak and held a long silver staff. She caught Dahlia staring at her and laughed,

"Hello Dahlia, I'm Aella."

The Spirit AcademyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora