Chapter 25 - One Of The Five

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Auretta was the only visitor Mishal ever received. So she was surprised when Azalea entered the room. Azalea was old enough to be Mishal's grandma, but there was nothing grandmotherly about the way Azalea was. Her grey hair was always pulled into a tight bun. She walked stiffly. And when she spoke her voice was cold.

"How are we Your Majesty?"

"Get lost you fat old hag," She hissed.

Azalea was the head of the GloBals. Azalea was the reason so many children were taken from their homes. Azalea was the reason so many children died.

"Now, now," She laughed, but her laugh was cold too and it chilled Mishal to her bones. "Quite the temper. Now I'm going to ask the questions and you are going to answer them."

As if.

"Now, Lana. It is my understanding you a quite good friend of hers."

"She's okay, I guess," Mishal grumbled trying to feign nonchalance.

 Azalea probably saw right through her lies. She didn't know why she was lying but she felt like she had to.

"Dahlia? Guthrie?"

Azalea definitely knew about those two. There was no point in lying.

"Are they okay?" She asked instead.

Azalea sighed. "Dahlia has been missing for days now. Guthrie is in a safe location."

"Okay, now you're going to co-operate. Swallow the pills we give you."

"Why would I do that?" Mishal felt like laughing.

"Because otherwise your friend will suffer the consequences of your actions."

"Guthrie..." Mishal breathed. No. No. No. No. This wasn't meant to happen

"I won't do it."

Azalea looked disappointed but not surprised.

"But you won't hurt Guthrie,"

Azalea looked bored. "And why is that? There isn't anything you can do to stop me, Miss Brantley. You're Claudia." She laughed at her own joke, "Lame. Crippled." She paused for a moment and when she continued, she whispered patronizingly, "Why will I not hurt Guthrie?"

Mishal could not stop the waver that came into her voice when she said,

"Because she's one of the five."


Mrs Clinton was watching her. The whole class was watching her. Oh no. She had zoned out, and Mrs Clinton had asked her a question.

It was Mrs Clinton, so she had Species Distinction. She looked to the board for clues but the board was empty. Lynn's mouth felt dry. "Sorry Miss?" Her voice came out small.

Mrs Clinton smiled patronizingly, "I asked you to name the different types of pixies,"

"Fae and Fairies." Lynn said. Though she was sure she was right her palms were sweaty. She hated the attention.

Mrs Clinton nodded as if Lynn was right, but she didn't want her to be and continued on with the lesson.

Lynn looked towards the clock. She had half an hour of the lesson left.

Lana's words rang in her mind. No-one notices you. No-one gives you a second glance.

Lynn put up her hand. "Miss? Can I go to the toilet?"

Mrs Clinton nodded absentmindedly as Lynn walked out of the room.

Roxy watched the river with a glassed over expression.

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