Chapter 24

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 24

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Jayant/ Duryodhana POV

I was standing in the middle of my burnt room, thinking about the mess I had created today. The dark night was engulfing me like a shroud. The stars in the black sky were looking like millions of eyes, watching me intensely.

What had I done?

Today morning, I had lost my control over my rage again. Bheem again bullied my brothers and I attacked him. Then, I didn't know how to put it, but, it felt like someone else was controlling both my body and mind. Then my mind and head again went blank. I was probably lost my mind, when I was even taking pleasure watching Aryaka Naag burn slightly while he was suspended on the sacred fire.

Then something happened.

Little Dussala came into the place of the yagnya. When she saw me, sitting on my own funeral pyre and Aryaka Naag suspending on the fire altar, she started crying. The crying of my little literally cleared my mind. Something literally covered my mind like a cloud, but Dussala's tears and pleading washed them out. Then it hit my mind that what type of sin I was going to commit.

From morning, after ending the yagnya, I came inside my burnt room and sat on the floor. I was adamant to tie a leash on my anger. The day passed, night came. I sat in the floor the whole day, praying to the Adiyogi.

I took pride in my previous life as an exceptionally calm and cool minded man. In the army, my calmness and handling of situations were becoming nearly mythical. My superior officers also took pride on me. But, here, in this Yuga, I am losing that calmness. Mahadev told me that I have both mine and Duryodhana's traits in me. Now, Duryodhana and calmness were actually opposite words. But, I would not accept my defeat without a fight. Yes, I would fight and subdue my anger. Jayant would fight with his all might.

"I will not give them even a pinpoint amount of land!" the popular dialogue echoed in my mind. I stood up, and stretched my body. It was time to get ready for a new battle.

Suddenly, I heard a small voice in my back, "Pranipaat, Bhrata Duryodhana."

It was a thin voice of a kid. Slowly, I turned my head, and saw Sahdeva standing in the room, along with Dussasan. Sahdeva had a plate of food in his hands. Dussasan had a glass full of water.

"Bhrata, you haven't touched a bit of food in the whole day. My mother has sent this food for you."

I looked at his innocent face. It took me all my willpower to control the tears forming in my eyes. Oh, Sahdeva, why hadn't you take birth as the eldest Pandava? You were way more intelligent and talented than Yudhisthir. You could be way better king.

I looked at the plate of food. It contained rice, daal and curries. I took a little bit of rice, and mixed it with curry.

"Come here, both of you." I said to my two little brothers. They both came in front of me.

"Sahdeva, open your mouth."

"But, Bhrata..."


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