Chapter 5: stealing jewelry

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     Today is November 21st on a Saturday, as I moved my stuff around In my room I was going to make my room looking like a theater. I went downstairs and my mom said "that we were going to be going to a funeral", and Kaylie said with a remark "why are we going to a funeral who died". My mother said "sweetie your grandma died last night, I was going to tell you, but you were sleeping I'm so sorry sweetie I love you". Kaylee threw her stuff around the room she was very upset that her grandma died, she was not expecting that early this morning. Kaylie asked her mom what time the funeral was, very soon her mom answered as Kaylie went upstairs to her room she wrote in her journal again. this time she was writing about her best moments with her grandma was. and she said she misses her good laugh, and she was crying "this can't be happening" she said.

The funeral: As I got my black dress on, and boots I went outside to get in the car to get ready to go to the funeral. I texted James saying I'm going to be going to the funeral James texted okay I'm sorry to hear that I hope all is well, good luck tell your grandma I love her. We got to the funeral and I sure was not ready not ever in a million years to see my grandmother in her grave. As Kaylie went to the funeral she saw her her mother told her to sit down with her and she did just that, the funeral then started she was crying the whole time through services and she was standing next to her grave giving a speech. Although my grandma is dead I had really good memories with her. She is the best grandma ever,and everyone loves her she was so nice to everyone, and she was giving, and caring. I can't believe that this is happening, but just to say I love you Grandma and I hope you rest sleep dreams, and hope you are having fun in heaven. After the service was over everyone ate lunch in the cafeteria, and then went to the grave to Bury her. Everyone was crying and after that everyone went home, I went to my bed room then all of sudden someone knocked on the door downstairs it was James, he went to my room and we talked. So how was the funeral and sorry again for that, that must be hard to go through, but just know that I got your back and I'm here for you if you need anything. Kaylie said "thanks you are so very sweet I love you". He said he loves her to, and they went to the mall to shop and look around.

The stolen diamonds: Kaylie was looking for diamond necklaces and asked James if he could buy her some necklaces, but they were expensive for him to buy her. She would not ever take no for an answer, but James just couldn't he didn't have that kind of money, and so Kaylie then waited for James to look away and she put the diamond necklaces in her pocket hoping that no one sees. By the time they were done looking around their was a police coming towards them and he said to Kaylie "did you take anything, and Kaylie said "no" with a smart remark. Then the police went his way then James and Kaylie went back to her house, they were going to be making brownies for the family that was coming over. her aunt, and Uncle Sam and Katie they are the best; Kaylie introduced James to her aunt and uncle and then she started dinner.

Nighttime: Kaylie went to the door to say goodbye to James and she went upstairs to her room and she started to go to sleep.

The girl who stoled diamonds By: Caytlyn Minor Where stories live. Discover now