Chapter 6: The Police

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One hot day the wind was coming through the window making Kaylie's room very cold, and she went down stairs to see that their was a police in the kitchen. She was so going to be in big trouble she couldn't believe she would steal the necklace, she thought to her self what if James finds out and he won't love me anymore but wait he steals I don't know what to do. Kaylie says she is going to call James to tell him, but tells him she was coming over to his house, so she won't get in trouble with the cop. and then James starts saying "cops theirs cops at your house why"? Kaylie says " yes there is cops in my house. can I come over I accidentally stole diamond necklaces I'm so very sorry, but can I please come over"? James says "yes you can, but don't get me into trouble now", I laughed. Kaylie went home afterwards and saw her mom standing by the door, and says "you are grounded missy don't think of sneaking out and going to James house ever agian, now go to your room NOW"!!!!. Kaylie doesn't know what to say and then starts to go to her room.

The girl who stoled diamonds By: Caytlyn Minor Where stories live. Discover now