Chapter 8

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-I just really wanted to post this part, so I'm posting it earlier than usual.

Damian was being held at a gunpoint by Joker. Marinette was looking around for the rest of the bats so that they could help their brother or son.


It has been two weeks since Ladybug has gotten Batman's help. Chloe would often take Kalki, Trixx, and Pollen with her and teleport to Paris to see when Nathalie and Gabriel were alone together and were close enough so that she could venom them without it being suspicious.

She found that it was once, but Adrien was with them, so she couldn't do it then.

Marinette and Damian were still arguing, but it wasn't as much. They would still glare at each other, but they would start arguing over stuff that was actually reasonable.

Throughout the two weeks, Chloe and Jon have gotten closer, as well as Emma and Nino. Nino and Emma went on a date within Nino's first month going to Gotham Academy. Jon and Chloe are kind of scared to ask each other out because they might ruin their relationship. But they'll ask each other sooner or later.

Marinette was totally shipping them and telling Luka and Kagami. The three definitely shipped the two with Jon and Emma, much to their embarrassment.


It was that week that the Joker decided to hold the youngest Wayne for money. And maybe wanted to shoot something or someone. So he and his goons went to the school and busted in looking for the Wayne.

When they found him, Joker held one of his arms around his neck. The other one had a gun to his temple.

"Now here's how things are going to go. I am going to hold Wayne here and you aren't going to escape or else my goons will have a field day and shoot. We will leave when we get at least one million dollars from Bruce Wayne." Joker said. Their class, bar Jon, Nino, Chloe, and Marinette, were shaking in fear.

Marinette looked around. There were goons blocking every exit. There was no way out without someone getting hurt.

She looked around for the bats. She was wondering where they were. Marinette looked over at Damian. She saw that the Joker was pushing the gun into his skull. She thought all hope for him was lost. It was within that moment that she might lose him that she realized something.

Marinette loved Damian.


Damian was used to this. A lot of rogues went after him because he was the only blood son of Bruce Wayne. So he wasn't that scared. He knew his family would come to rescue him. But not everyone knew that.

While the Joker had his arm around his neck and one pressing a gun to the side of his head, he was looking around at his classmates. The ones that didn't know his secret looked scared out of their minds. Jon looked like he was scared, but they both knew that he was just pretending since he knew that his father would be there soon.

Chloe and Nino looked like they were looking for someone. His father. They were jittery and jumpy. But when he looked at Marinette.

He saw her frantically looking around for his father and siblings. The Joker then pressed the gun, with more force, more into his head. Damian's eyes were locked on what Marinette was doing. Marinette saw when the Joker pushed it more into his head and how he closed his eyes when there was more force on it. He saw the look that she gave. She looked scared that he was going to die.

Damian knew that the Joker was a wild card. He could pull the trigger at any second. He didn't see his family anywhere near them. So he thought that he could die at any second. But the fear on Marinette's face made him not want to die at this very second. He had some type of feeling. It was something he had felt for Raven, before they decided to be friends, but this feeling was stronger. It made him want to spend every second of his life making sure that she was okay and being with her.

Damian was never one to show feelings or understand them. But what he was feeling with Marinette right now was him wanting to show all of his emotions with her and have her help him with whatever problems he had. Vice versa also. Damian then came to terms with these feelings and realized something.

Damian had feelings for Marinette. He loved Marinette.


'Why is it the person I hate the most, the person I love?' The two both thought.


In Paris:

"Lila, you might want to listen to this girl." Alya said to her best friend, Lila. They were having a free period, so they were doing what they wanted. The guys were playing games on the tablet that the school let them use, and the girls were listening to Lila's stories, while looking something up.

Lila then put all of her attention on Alya. "So I was looking up some more news on your boyfriend in Gotham. Damian Wayne." Lila nodded at the information. "So I looked at the newest article. It said that the Joker held him for a ransom of a million dollars. Which I looked up and that's about 850k euros." The girls nodded at the information they were given. "Well, if Batman and his sidekicks never came to save him in time, your boyfriend would have been dead. Sorry girl." Alya said.

Lila had put some tears in her eyes and made her voice hoarse. "Is there a picture of him? I want to see him. Knowing the time difference between us, I don't want to wake him up if he's sleeping."

The girls were quick to reassure her that they didn't think that Damian would get mad if she called him. Alya then pulled up a picture from the event and zoomed it in.

In the picture, you could see Batman escorting Damian out. In the background was people hugging each other or staring at the hero.

Alya noticed something familiar in the photo and zoomed in some more and looked at the face. She noticed Nino and him holding hands with a blonde in the photo. She then looked around and saw two more familiar faces. Marinette and Chloe.

"No way." Alya whispered. She had caught all of the girls' attention.

"What happened Alya?" Rose asked.

"Just zoom in and look around. You'll see what I'm talking about." Alya said. Her voice had gone to a whisper.

The girls took her tablet and did what she asked. They saw Nino holding hands with a blonde and Chloe hugging someone with black hair. Marinette was the one who was just staring at the two.

"So when Nino's parents said that he had been separated from the two people that he considered sisters, they were talking about Marinette and Chloe. Which means that they consider them their daughters." Juleka realized.

"And that they're moving to Gotham to be closer with their son." Alix finished.

Adrien overheard this and smirked. He knows that his father is making him and Lila go to Bruce Wayne's gala in a couple of months. If Marinette was there, he could convince her to come back to Paris and apologize to Lila. Maybe even date him. He remembers that Alya said that Marinette had a huge crush that it was borderline stalking, but he didn't care when he realized his feelings for her.

Since Nino was there, he could convince him to come back too. He could get Alya and Nino back together and not with whoever Nino was holding hands with. He could leave Chloe back in America without anyone with her. He realized how much of a bully that Chloe had become when she finally left. He was happy that she was never coming back.

-How's that for finding out their own feelings? Based on my writing, how old do you think I am? I am actually curious for your answers. See you guys on Tuesday.


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