Chapter 10

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-Ignore how UnDamian this is. It's Marinette. She can make anyone do anything. Not my photo

Marinette and Damian found out a way for them to show their affection on Monday. When they were sitting next to each other in the first period, they would cross their legs over each other when they wanted.

Tikki and Plagg made them each a necklace that when put together, would form a yin-yang symbol, but one part was red and the other was black. Damian let Marinette have the black part and she let him have the red part.

Damian hid his under his shirt, while Marinette would wear hers out. When asked, she would just say a friend gave it to her and they hold a place very dear in her heart.

If they weren't next to each other, they would touch the necklaces so it would be like they were with each other.

The two would speak in Chinese so no one could understand what they were saying. They would tell each other nothing but sweet things, but would always make their faces and expressions say otherwise. Chloe, Nino, and Jon would usually break them up. They were disappointed that they were being separated, but happy that their friends bought it.


The teacher had moved everyone's seats. Damian and Marinette were now sitting close to each other, much to their happiness. Well on the inside. On the outside, they still despised each other.

When the two sat next to each other, Marinette made sure that their legs were wrapped together. It wasn't like he was objecting it, so she kept doing it.

When the two made eye contact, they knew that the old them would have started an argument about something, so that's what they had to do.

"Are we still going out tonight since you don't have patrol tonight?" Marinette asked in a teasing tone and in Chinese.

Damian looked at her, irritated. "Of course we are. I have nothing better to do than hang out with you." He answered, annoyed. He knew it was not like him to say something like this, but he just couldn't help it.

The two then started talking about their plans, but they looked angry while they were doing it, selling the act.

Chloe and Nino were officially annoyed. They were having such a good day because they two didn't start their fighting, but they just had to start now.

Chloe went over to the two and 'knocked some sense' into them. When that was over, the two glared at each other, knowing the other didn't mean it.

Throughout the whole block that they were in that teacher's class, they were whispering stuff about their plans for that night throughout the class. They are superheroes after all, they know how to keep their voices quiet enough to where only the people they want hearing it will hear it.

Marinette had to stop the smiles that were going to appear on her face. She was supposed to look like she hated him. She could not laugh and smile at how cute he is. Damian was having the same war in his mind with himself.


After a long day, it was finally night time. Damian, for the first time, was happy that he wasn't doing patrol. There was something about hurting people that seemed fun to him.

Marinette had convinced Nino and Chloe that she was going on full commission mode, and they knew not to mess with her until the next morning.

She went into her room and locked her door. When she made sure that no one was going to listen, she transformed and put the ring on her. She left through the window, heading for the Wayne manor.

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