Fight ?

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5 figures emerged from the portal 

Revealing the figures 





And the ring leader nightmare 

All members of the bad sanses (besides Error) 

All 8 figures got into a defence/fighting stance with weapons at the ready 

"Ok nightmare, this doesn't need to turn into a dust bath" dream said hesitantly

"You should have thought about that before taking one of our teammates away" killer snarled causing dream to raise his bow higher 

"How did you even find this place ?!" Ink questioned 

"Errors negativity, you covered your tracks well and I honestly don't know what A.U we're in, but I could easily detect the destroyers rare type of negativity" nightmare replied, smiling smugly at his own brilliance 

"We were just about to let him go, honest" blue tried ease tension, both other members of the stars nodding in agreement 

But nightmare wasn't convinced, and neither was his team

"Then why take him in the first place?!" Horror asked in confusion 

"Come on horror, that's an easy question, they wanted to keep him on their side, just because he can make some puppets as a hobby instead of a mindless destroyer they believe error is the only one of us that has a chance at "redemption"" dust answered for the stars 

Even though ink wanted to stand up for himself he knew dust was right 

Ink always took a shining to Error because he knew he was different to the other bad guys 

Reasons already stated 

And he didn't pay much attention to the others, maybe just Nightmare too since he was the ring leader and dreams brother 

But when it came to thoughts and feelings, he didn't care for the others, only Error 

"Maybe the ink stain has special feelings that even without a SOUL he can have for our destroyer" killer laughed 

Ink blushed but soon shook it of, trying his best to look serious 

"You want him ok, but don't force him out" ink said dangerously 

"Oh for fates sake can I just go home now"  a familiar glitchy voice asked 

All 8 members turned to the door leading out of the room 

And towards one very pxxxed of looking destroyer 

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