The end

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As time went on things surprisingly got better 

Both groups got a proper chance to apologise to the destroyer who simply shook it of, obviously not wanting to remember it 

And in the end Error decided to make a portal inside the mission where the room he had slept in would have been, intertwining his original home with the new one with his bad guy family 

Error continued to have strange but positive dreams, which ended in the god of destruction going to the god of positivity for explanations of what they meant, It was quite awkward in the beginning but it soon became like a daily routine the two do, dream would even go out of his way to make hot chocolate when he visited 

Errors and blues friendship was as strong as ever 

And even now and then ink would go to Error to give him more inspiration for his dolls, to which the destroyer always showed the creator when he was finished 

Yes error would destroy and the star sanses would come to fight and stop him, the bad guys sometimes even coming into help 

But now there was understanding why the glitch had to destroy 

It was simply a job that was designated to him by fate to keep balance 

And now every member of the parties knew how important that was but how much of a burden it was on the crazed victimised destroyer 

And error?

He now knew the importance of allies, partnership and possibly....friendship? 

Ink stilled annoyed him tho 

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