28. I Am Sorry

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The next day~


I feel bad for asking him all that. It wasn't on intention. I mean, how was I supposed to know that his mother was like that to him? And it was pretty mean to call your own mother a bitch. I never called my mom that...I sometimes do call her a devil, but that doesn't count, right? It is not at all mean, it just describes her personality and her...never mind. Whatever I said was pretty bad and he must be hurt.

More importantly why do I care? I am his enemy and we are not supposed to care for others and that was clearly highlighted in the contract. Oh gosh! What do I do? I am going to go crazy from all of this shit.

"You look like you are going to burst," Jimin said and I sighed. We were sitting in the canteen and I had completely forgotten about my friend's existence. Scratch that, I forgot I even existed in this world. In the morning Jungkook totally ignored me. It was mostly me who looked away from him. He went back to sleeping like he usually did and Leishi never glared at me, probably happy that Jungkook and I fought.

"Jimin. I feel bad," I said and he stopped eating just to stare at me with those huge surprised eyes. He dropped his food back to his box and leaned closer to hear the story I was going to say. So I ended up saying him everything and he kept nodding. After I was done with it, he kept humming and nodding to himself. Probably trying to think of ways to kick my ass.

"You should apologize," he finally spoke and I raised my eyebrows at him. I do know that I have to apologize to him, but did he really need so much time to think about it.

"I know. But it looks like he is ignoring me," I said.

"Then drag him out of there and go up to the terrace and apologize for talking irrationally," he said and I sighed.

"With those muscles and strength of his, he might just throw me out of the window instead of me dragging him to the top."

"Right," he said and began to ponder over the situation. I went back to eating because if you need to think, you need to eat a lot so that you have the energy.

"Boyfriend, 12 o'clock," he said and I sighed. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows in confusion. Did he say 'boyfriend'?

"What you looking at me like that for?" he asked me.

"Why did you say 'boyfriend' instead of 'danger'?"

"Because he is your boyfriend."

"You know this is fake and—"he suddenly he shut my mouth with his hand and shook his head. Oh yeah right. I totally forgot. We weren't supposed to talk about the fake dating in public. How stupid of me. Like I really care what the human beings around us hear and gossip.

"I think you should really talk to him and apologize," Jimin said to me.

"Huh? Now?" I asked him and he nodded.

"He is legit staring at you—don't look back—maybe he wants to talk to you."


"Yeah just hurry up and go. Yoongi texted me that Jungkook is acting like a weirdo right now."

"Are you and Yoongi actually dating?"

"Just go," he pushed me towards them and ran in the opposite direction. I face-palmed myself and I saw Jungkook looking at Hobi. Looks like he is really avoiding me. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. At the same time, someone rammed into me and I fell on the floor, with ketchup, bread and mayo spilled over my head. Why was it always like this?

Some of the students gasped, while the really straight forward laughed. I sighed and continued to be down since I was too tired to get up.

"You okay?" I looked up and saw one of my classmates standing in front of me. Wait, I know his name...Jockey? Jessie? Nah, that's a girl's name...then Jearny. What a weird name!

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