49. Cabin Mates

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"Jungkook! Wake up! Wake up! It's time to go!" someone yelled into my ears. So annoying! Just shoo away, annoying creature. 

"Five more minutes," I mumbled and pulled the warm, quilt over my head to block out the noise. Finally, I can get to sleep—

"JUNGKOOK, GET UP!" that creature yelled again and my quilt was ripped away from me leaving me cold. Suddenly something heavy fell on my body and I groaned in pain.

"Ouch! Get up, fatso Leishi!" I yelled and I heard that creature giggle.

"It's not Leishi, Jungkook. It is me." Huh? I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the most beautiful creature in the world.

"An angel?" I blabbered out and the angel started to laugh.

"You are not in heaven, idiot. It's me Taehyung." Shit! I just called Taehyung an angel and he even heard it. So embarrassing!

"Okay. So why are you here?" I asked me and he pouted.

"We have to go to the camp, you piece of junk!" he yelled at me and I groaned in annoyance.

"I don't want to go. I am staying here," I said and put a pillow over my head and tried to get back to sleep, but Taehyung kept on jumping on my stomach in order to wake me up from my beauty sleep.

"That pains, you fatso!" I yelled out, but he kept jumping on me. Suddenly he stopped and I sighed.

"Fine then! Don't come. I will be going alone. Anyways, I have my friends by my side ad I don't need a 'boyfriend' to accompany me. Bye!" he got up and closed the door with a bang. Finally he is gone. Now I can sleep.

A few minutes later~

"Young master, it is almost seven in the morning."

I opened my eyes and I saw Lily standing before me. I yawned and sat up on my bed. I stretched my arms and neck and it cracked. Sweet!

"Good morning, Lily. Where is Taehyung?" I asked her.

"Kind master already left with his friends for the trip."

"Hmm...I see. Good," I said and looked at her. We both stared at each other for a few seconds, when suddenly a huge rock of realization fell on me.

"TAEHYUNG LEFT ME!?" I yelled and she nodded, "That fricking bastard! He left me! ME! Lily, where is my suitcase? Bring it out and—"

"Already packed, young master," she said. I got up from my bed and quickly brushed my teeth and showered and put on my tee shirt and rushed downstairs.

My suitcase was right beside the door and I sighed a relief. I took them and left the mansion to reach school. From there they will take us to the camp. 

"Young master, you forgot to wear your pants," she yelled and I looked down. What the shit?! I wore my boxer, but fricking forgot to wear my pants. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I ran upstairs and quickly wore a short and went downstairs again. 

"I didn't leave anything right?" I asked her and she shook her head. Now time to go!

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that the bus already left thirty minutes back," she said and I screamed from annoyance. If I had only listened to Taehyung and woken up early.

"Lily call the driver and bring out the car," I said to her and she nodded. I wonder what that Taehyung will be doing now.



Fake Boyfriend || A Taekook FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon