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— x

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— x.ᴅ.ʀ.

I watched with furrowed brows how the nurse whiled a single incubator in the room. My heart skipped a beat and my head started to fill itself with ugly scenarios.

'Oh God no.' Jumping on my feet as soon as I registered that nurse stopped just a couple of feet from me.

"Sir can you move a bit so I can get to the mother."

I didn't acknowledge her words but instead walked closer to her feeling my throat closing. 'He can't leave.' Peaking into the incubator I was met with two little bundles wrapped in blue blankets.

Letting a ragged breath of relief I looked at the nurse when she called me once again "Sir? Sir, can you move to the side? Are you alright?" Giving my head a little shake I moved away letting her push the incubator closer to Antea's bed.

"Here you go, miss. Umm, I'm gonna leave you alone now and be back in fifteen minutes that's how long the doctor said they can be here." She said as she left the room.

I turned my eyes on the girl on the bed who was struggling with lifting herself to look at the babies.

During the whole time since I came from the NICU, I didn't leave her side. I only left her for five minutes when Dante came running here, but he left after I told him that they don't let anyone in with her.

Since she woke up and opened these mesmerizing eyes all I could see in them was a pain. Not only pain caused by surgery, but the pain caused by finding out what I did. To her. To us.

My sins scarred her in many ways.

"Let me help you." I mumbled as I came to stand on another side of her and put another pillow behind her back while helping her turn to the side.

I didn't miss the way she hissed in pain under her breath from movement and the way her body pulled away from my hands when I touched her. My heart was breaking knowing that I caused all this again. I pushed her away once again.

"Oh," pulling my head away from my pity party I looked how her eyes light up and fill with tears "this are my babies."

"Si, amore." I said sitting next to her "This are our babies." My words made her turn her head a little towards me and send me a bitter smile.

Her eyes weren't on me much before she switched them back on little boys in a glass box in front of us.

"Can I hold them?" She asked timidly causing a wave of sadness to wash over me.

"No, not yet. They need to get used to all this." I replied but a thought came into my mind. 'She doesn't know anything about smallest twin.'

Taking a deep breath I switched places and came to stand next to the incubator "Amore, we need to talk." I saw uncertainty in her eyes and I cleared the air about what I want to talk to her "About twins."

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