Chapter 3: Day of Blessings

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Conical breasts glinted at my eye-level. The stones at the edge of the fountain dug into my knees. Beams of sunlight beat on my back, and sweat trickled from my tight curls down my neck and spine. I inclined my head and murmured into my clasped hands.

"Goddess Rashika, please guide me in your ways and protect my heart from the whispers of Fallen and Lesser Gods. Bless me with the strength and will to defend my Kingdom against all threats, even those..."

A dark, enchanting stare filled my mind, and a phantom touch tingled on my palm.

Even those from within.

"Epsa! You're still alive!"

I startled, and one knee slipped off the fountain edge and dunked into the shallow pool of water swirling around the Goddess's feet. Scowling, I clambered to my feet and whipped toward the unwelcome intruder.

"You can't sneak up on me when I am praying, Pim."

His massive shoulders shook with violent snorts of laughter. "Admit it—you were just ogling the sacred tits."

"That is no way to speak of the one supreme Goddess."

Pim clasped his hands in front of his face and bowed to the gleaming statue. "Forgive me, Goddess Rashika. Your bountiful bosom is truly worthy of praise." Then he swung toward me. "Now, speaking of a bountiful bosom... how did it go with the infamous Izra?"

"It didn't go." I swiped excess water from the sopping knee of my trousers. "She turned me down."

"No! I can't believe it. Seven hells, even I wouldn't be able to turn you down, and my preferences are extremely defined."

"You mean your preference for Prince Makandi."

His gaze flicked toward the arched door from the courtyard to the palace. "First, don't say that so loudly, and second, I moved on from that years ago." He chewed his lip, eyes still locked on the door. "Though... how is he?"

"Pim, he has a wife and son."

His broad shoulders scrunched to his ears. "Eh, I still think he prefers men."

I swept my eyes skyward and folded my arms over my chest. "Alright, now your turn. How did your mission go?"

Feathery blonde eyebrows crept up the bulge of his forehead. "I don't believe it."


"You are asking for a story!"

"I'm asking for a report on your battle with the Trogolese."

"Still counts." With a grin, Pim plopped down right where he stood, folded his long legs in front of him, and wiggled side-to-side to settle in. "Alright, so the Kingdom learns that an enemy ship sails our way, and the valiant Royal Guard sets out to face the Trogolese at... would you stop pacing, please?"

"I know this part."

"One cannot start in the middle of a story."

I perched on the stone ridge of the fountain beside him. "Continue."

"Out at sea, these strapping young warriors spot the blue flag of Trog on a giant warship. They swing onboard and begin to cut down those fur-faced—Epsa, what are you doing?"

My hand froze, palm hovering one inch above a furry black spider on the stone beside me. "Eliminating a pest. Is that a problem?"

"Maybe he came to hear the story. Spare the little bugger, eh?"

I slid my hand back into my lap. "You're lucky I missed you."

He cleared his throat. "Though massive and remarkably hideous, the Trogolese prove no match for King Makapu's Royal Guard. Within minutes, the rest of the brutes run away with their tails between their legs, and..." He jerked up alternating shoulders with each syllable: "Happ-y for-ev-er more!"

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